Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Guilty Pleasure TV

There are alot of good tv shows that are out right now, but there are a couple that are just so much of a waste of time that they are nothing but awesome. And these tv shows are Steven Seagal: Lawman and Man vs. Food. If you havent checked out these shows, you should do it right away.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Its December which means..... is cold as ice outside and there will be pub crawls every weekend until Christmas. This may be may favorite time of year!

Creepy Santas

There is even a Santa for kids to see while visiting relatives in Prison

Santa can get a kung fu grip on any kid

Plain Creepy

Santa visited his kids before his porn audition

This kid desperatly wanted to be on Santa's Naughty list for personal reasons

This Santa just kidnapped those kid's entire family

I didn't know the Amish celebrated Christmas and that they were really lazy at it

Even the kid knows that something is pretty messed up about this Santa

Monday, November 30, 2009

Oprah Loves the Blue Ball

For the last time, shut your mouth Dave. I am trying to watch Blue Ball If there is one thing that I know, it is that Oprah loves the blue ball game. What is Blue Ball you ask? Well let me tell you that it is a game that should not be taken lightly or a game that involves a piece of pumpkin cheese and sangria for breakfast.

Blue Ball is a game the combines some of the rules from football and rugby. There are way too many rules to write on this mainly because certain rules only apply for certain plays/situations and also for the fact that I still don't know all of the rules anyway.

This year, we got to play on an indoor soccer practice field because one of our friends works at a local high school and he borrowed the keys for the weekend.

The first 9 minutes of the game was great, both teams only scored once and we knew each others strategies. But when the 10Th minute occurred, I was done with. Like I said before, it is not the brightest ideal to eat a piece of cheesecake for breakfast before and extremely enduranced fill sport with hardly any time to take a break.

I will cut the long story short, I threw up all over the place. I wasn't my best moment, but at least I gave it my all.

After my quick personal time out, I went back to the field to join my two teammates to dominate the hell out of the field to barely win the game. I think what killed me that most was the constant running and being required to do anything that was remotely athletic. It is just hard to prepare for the game because we are either training for our strongman competitions, playing video games, or at a bar talking about strongman competitions and video games. I am more than certain that the latter is the correct answer.

Katie tends to record all of the games, so it was nice to see a group of out of shape guys try to play a game and get winded within the first 8 minutes of game play.

After the game, everyone got ready to go Pete and Jess' house for the annual Saturday after Thanksgiving party. It is always a potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish and whatever type of beverage that they want to share with everyone. There is usually a wide array of food at this event. Some body may bring tamales while another person while bring some from chicken express while another may bring hamburger buns and cookies. Even though the food types may not match, everything usually gets eaten very quickly.

The rest of the night is usually spent by the girls talking and the guys playing 42. When those games are over, everyone gets together and play a game as a group.

This year, the party ended a little earlier than usually because Pete and Jess now have a daughter named Juliette. So we moved the after party to JMill and Jenn's house.

As we made that 1 minute drive down the street, people started to either get their second wind or become very tired. I was one of the guys to decided to act like a 4 year old and call it a night. It was good day, but blue ball just wore the hell out of me. I am pretty sure that if we played that game once a month instead of once a year, we would be in tremendous shape.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

James Bond Party and the Cleggs

James Bond Party Flyer. If you weren't invited, then your parents don't love you The Wednesday before every Thanksgiving, some friends of mine have a yearly tradition. Have a James Bond Themed Party and get crazy. This party has been going on for some time now and it never seems to disappoint.

The party had all of the ingredients for people in their twenties to have a great time. And those ingredients included obnoxiously loud music, beer pong, an assortment of beverages, and a dance floor that will just appear out of nowhere.

People are encouraged to dress up like their favorite character from any of the Bond movies but usually about half of the crowd does it. I painted myself in gold one year but some drunk guy thought I was just a big Academy Award.

Some friends and I went to the party but could only stay for a couple of hours because we were pre-gaming pretty hard with some people we haven't seen since high school and lost track of time while "reliving" the old days. By "reliving" the old days, I really mean we were just making fun of each other the whole time while sharing a beer or 12.

If you want to come next year, just call Danny. I just realized that I left his number up on the flyer. So give him a call and make your reservations for next year.

I am now going to jump to the Friday after Thanksgiving since not a lot happened that day but it involved the same people from the party.

Every year, the Clegg Brothers have a "Friends and Family" Thanksgiving Dinner at their house. It is just a time where all of their friends get together and hang out with their folks for a little bit. The night always ends up the same. We will make some very inappropriate jokes about Alyssa to her face, I end up drinking too much wine, The Clegg Brothers will relentlessly make fun of each other, and their parents will just look in disbelief will making ashamed/humorous faces at everyone.

I am not going to lie, I always look forward this event every year because it is an extremely cool and relaxing way to spend an evening. By the end of the night, we usually go through at least 4 bottles of wine and several types of deserts.

Thanksgiving 09

Usually, my family likes to get together and cook for our Thanksgiving Feast, but this year we wanted to shake things up a bit.

My mom, dad, and I decided not to cook and just go out to eat for dinner instead. We got into the car and traveled the long 20 minute journey to "The Keg Steakhouse" for their Thanksgiving Special. The special itself was basically a steal and a person would have to be damn near retarded not to get it.

The restaurant was packed with people who had the same idea as us. The Keg Thanksgiving special was a three course meal for only 20 bucks a person. Who ever ordered the meal would get a ginormous caesar salad as an appetizer, white and dark meat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, tons of vegetables, gravy, and some cranberries for the main course, and for dessert, a piece of pumpkin cheese cake of course. To add to the mix, the three of us also thought that it would a grand ideal to have a couple of mixed drinks as well. And to let you know, it was a damn good ideal my friends.

After a couple hours of feasting on our delicious food, it was time to pay the check and go home. When we got back home and changed into our elastic pants, it was time for a couple of more drinks and slowly slip into a turkey coma for a couple of hours. The amount of food that was left over from the restaurant would definitely hold us over for a couple of days without any worry at all.

After I awoke from my slumber and discovered 3 missed calls and 9 text messages, it was time to get ready and go to 12th First Annual "Paul and Katie Started a Fire and Have Too Much Booze to Finish By Themselves" Party. This is the first year that they have done this, but for some reason, it does sound more fun if you put some random number in front of it. It tends to attract more people to come because they will think that they have been left out of all of the previous parties.

At Paul and Katie's, I couldn't believe how much firewood some one would go through in during a 3 hour period. Paul had gotten some firewood from some Paul Bunyan type of relative that he has in Ennis. It probably would have been better if we would used only large logs instead on small ones, but it still got the job done.

After a case of beer, some Crown Royal, and the first "Vacation" movie done with, it was time to call it a night and head home with the knowledge that every meal for the next couple of days would contain some sort of turkey product. I predict that will be sick of turkey by Saturday afternoon. Any takers?

Beta Formal and The Accidental Wedding Crasher

A few weeks ago, my Fraternity held its annual Formal (basically, a college version of prom where drinking is allowed and encourage by legal means only) at the Hilton in Downtown Fort Worth. It was a good turnout with Betas from different eras. The only bad thing about the event was that there was a cash bar and this is when the accidental wedding crasher comes in the play.

When I was coming in to the Hilton, there were several wedding events that were occurring at the same time which usually means one thing: open bar.

Once I discovered this gem, I took full advantage of it. But just to let you know, I did accidentally stumble across this precious find.

When I arrived at the hotel for my formal, I had no clue which room it was actually being held in. I called some friends and they said that it was up the stairs and to the right. I followed those directions to the T and saw a group of people hanging out with everyone.

I thought this was my group because the formal is the one event where all Betas, whether you are an alumni or still in school, can go to. So as I am walking around introducing myself to people thinking that they are just the old people in the frat and drinking their free beer, I soon discovered that this is not my banquet at all. It was actually a wedding reception for Sara and John. I confirmed this when a member from the wedding asked us to sign the wedding portrait as we walked in to the dinning area.

I, of course, freaked out about this because I did not want people to think that I was some dickhead crashing a wedding to get some booze and ass. I quickly asked for where the restroom was so I could have a reason of getting out of there and find where I was actually supposed to be, but I only did this after signing the wedding photo with a fake name.

After finding my group, which was the floor directly above where the wedding reception was, I told them what happened. They laughed and they thought it would a great idea for some of them to go down there like they were in the wedding and get a free drink so they could save a little bit of money that night.

The formal ended up being fun. I had some drinks, danced with a random cop's girlfriend, ate some food, and then went to some after parties in a couple of the hotel rooms that people got for the night.

Another part of the fun was watching people "borrow" things from the hotel from and stash them in other people's room. I know it sounds childish, but when you have a group of people hopped up on pizza and alcohol, some stupid decisions will be made. An example of one of these decisions was trying 9 people in a Jeep Wrangler to go 3 blocks and pick up some pizza. Actually, that had to be one of the best decisions ever made because I was starving.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

An Evening With Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith at the House of Blues talking about looking at his wife's ass. On Saturday, Nov 7th, Jon and I went to the House of Blues in Dallas to hear and Q&A session with writer/director/actor/all-around bad ass Kevin Smith. He has been doing these sessions for the past couple of years now and he has always had a great turn out.

One thing that I love about his Q&A sessions is that nothing is off limits with him. No matter how graphic, stupid, or private a question maybe, he will do his best to answer it in great detail. Mr. Smith did say that the only question that he will never answer is how much he weighs. He had always stated that he has always been sensitive about that subject and lets the public know so much private things about him that he wants to keep that private so he can feel somewhat normal because not everyone will no everything about him.

He stated that he never has anything prepared to talk about with the exception of thanking people for coming to the show and a story about the last time that he was in Texas.

He did talk about a wide array of subjects. He talked about directing the "undirectable" Bruce Willis in his new movie called "A Couple of Dicks" with Tracy Morgan, why he named his daughter Harley Quinn, a character from a Batman Comic book.

At some points of the session, he would ask some of the audience questions just because he became interested in that person and wanted to know more about them. Another high point of the show was when some dumb ass kid actually paid Kevin Smith 50 bucks in order to sit on stage with him for the rest of the show. Kevin Smith took the guys money and just let the kid hang out for a little bit. When the show was over, Kevin gave back the guy's money and signed whatever the kid wanted.

The whole event lasted a little over 3 hours with no breaks at all. I was really surprised that he could talk to so much and be very candid with people with no fear of what the audience might think.

The House of Blues did set up to do a meet and greet with Kevin, but no one told Mr. Smith about. Since he was also running late due the Dallas Mavericks traffic, he said that if anyone wanted anything signed that they should just put stuff on the stage while he talked and he would sign it after the show. And for the people who were refunded their money for the meet and greet, he said that he would do group photos with those people.

Another cool thing about Mr Smith was how nice he was towards people. When someone asked him a question, 80% of the time he would talk directly to that person like they were having a private conversation.

It was a great time listening him talk about how he felt about George Carlin, his wife, everything else that anybody wanted to know. I just can't wait for the DVD to come out just so I can remember all the questions that he answered and what topics he talked about.

Halloween Parties: The Austin, TX Edition

I took the Friday before Halloween off from work in order to make the long and dangerous journey to Austin, TX. The reason for the adventure was for the Halloween party that was going to occur on Saturday night. A huge group of us were going, but everyone else was going on the day of Halloween while Jessica and I went the night before.

We meet up with Cody, Laura, Boj, and Matt and had a quick dinner at Kerby Lane and then hit up the night life Austin, TX style. And by Austin, TX style, I mean we went to a neighborhood karaoke bar called Homer's. After a few pitchers and some horrible singing, it was time to bring to party back to Cody and Laura's. We all stayed up way too late because we knew we had a full day ahead of us in order to set up the party.

When we woke up the next day, the girls decided to hang out and do some girl stuff while the guys decided start they day by getting an authentic Mexican breakfast, getting some dry ice and play a round of golf and have a couple of drinks. We probably golfed a little longer than we should have because the girls pretty much did all of the preparations for the party that we were supposed to do.

By the time we got done with golfing, we only had a couple of hours to get ready for the party and waited for the rest of the group to come over to Cody and Laura's house before we departed to Darby and Jenn's house, where party was going to be that night.

Around 7, everyone made it to Cody's house and we decided to head over to Darby's house a little before the party just to help set up the keg and sound system. We also had to put up pieces of dry ice in various places to give a spooky tone.

An hour later, people started to show up for the party. Darby has some really cool property that is perfect for throwing parties. Next to his house, Darby and his wife bought the lot next door. It is big enough for them to park and RV and a couple of boats if they wanted to do that.

On one end of the fenced in lot, was the sound system that was hooked up to a projector that was showing the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. On the other end of the lot, was the drink station that was equipped with a keg and some punch was started out not being too strong but that change when Cody got a hold of it. Oh, and in the middle of the lot was a little bonfire that was going on the entire night.

Like I said in the previous paragraph, the punch was not that strong to begin with. We were at the party for about an hour and a half until Cody had the bright idea to add an entire bottle of everclear into the punch without telling anyone, especially his wife Laura.

By 10, Cody is completely hammered watching the movie by himself while giving his own commentary to the movie. A couple of hours later, it was time for us to go home because we were getting too tired and only had one dd at this point.

The group then went back to Cody and Laura's house since we were all staying there for the night. We woke up the next morning and went to BB Rover for what had to be the best breakfast that I have ever had. After that, it was watching some of the Cowboys game and making that 3 hour drive back to Arlington.

One thing that I did forget to mention was how everyone woke up on Sunday morning. I woke up on the couch wearing my costume along with someone's hoodie and sports coat on. Paul woke up in their computer room scared and alone because he had no idea where he was or his wife Katie, who happened to be in the next room asleep and not worrying about Paul at all. Cody fell asleep with his "Teen Wolf" make up on and got it all over his wife and bed. When he woke up, he looked like he had just got home from living in Tibet for seven 7 years and never being able to take a shower in that time. And no one knew where Matt slept, whenever one woke up, he just appeared out of nowhere with a dog.

The funny thing was that we had to look at each other's cameras to see what all occurred the night before. Overall, it was a great weekend though.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Parties: The Fort Worth Edition

Oh,the wonderful whores of Halloween It is Halloween time and everyone know what that means, the magical night where women dress slutty and drink too much and when fat dudes where bulky costumes to try and hide their bodies. Basically, anything can happen on Halloween, up is down, black is white, good is evil and evil becomes really good.

The Halloween festivities started the week before Halloween as usual. Kirk and Lisa Gail had their annual Halloween Bash at their home. This is always a good time because they go all out for this party. Everything in their house has some sort of spooky theme to it and if that didn't scare you, then the karaoke would have.

Paul and Katie as Peter and Lois Griffin from Family GuyKirk and Lisa Gail have a really cool house. Their backyard is part of a country club, so when it is dark, we usually sneak on to the golf course and play a couple of holes.

Before we went to the main party, we went for a little pre-party at Paul and Katie's house since they lived only a couple of minutes away from Kirk and Lisa Gail's house. Everyone, which was about 8 or 9 of us, got dressed there and had a couple of drinks. This also seems to be a tradition as well. It just seems fun to pre party with a small amount of friends before we wreck havoc at another party.

My costume is John McEnore binge eatingThere were some creative costumes this year. Paul and Katie went as Peter and Lois Griffin from Family guy, Boj went as Bodie aka Patrick Swayze from Point Break, and I went as John McEnroe, just to name a few.

One thing that Kirk loves to have at his parties is tons of beer and drinks. This year, he decided to brew his own beer. It tasted pretty good and seemed to resemble a Shiner in taste and look.

I preferred to drink the punch that was made because it was full of grain alcohol and seemed to be doing its job very well.

After a couple of hours of just hanging out with everyone, they hosts of the party decided to do the best costume contest. I lost so I am now convinced that it was rigged and racist. Not really, I just felt bad about not being too creative at my costume this year.

After couple more hours and a couple of more rounds of drinks, it was time to close down Kirk and Lisa Gail's and head back to Paul and Katie's to resume our pre-party, which was now the post-party. It kind of seemed like an R. Kelly music video where all we did was we had a pre/main/post party, but I am proud to say that there was no peeing on any underage girls, that is where we draw the line of becoming like R. Kelly.

The next morning, a small group of us went to eat at a small restaurant called "Bacon's" for an early breakfast before the Cowboys game and the two bottles of champagne that awaited for us back at the house.

Stay tuned for party 2: The Austin, TX Edition

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Last week I saw Spike Jonze version of "Where the Wild Things Are". I have heard a lot of mixed reviews about the movie. Some critics said that the movie was too sad and unsuitable for children while the other critics that it was one of the best movies that was released this year.

To be honest, I had no clue what to expect when I saw the movie. All I really knew was that it was based on a children's book that was read to me as a child and Spike Jonze was directing it. I have always been a fan of whatever Spike Jonze does. He has made some memorable commericals and some of my favorite movies.

Even though the book itself is only 10 sentences long, the movie stayed as faithfull as it could to the book. The movie could also do almost anything it wanted because there was not that much information in the book.

The film version of "Where the Wild Things Are" is about a boy who, after biting his mom during a date, runs away from home and hides in the woods. His imagination then takes him to a far away place that is ruled by the Wild Things.

The interesting look that Spike Jonze chose to tell the story is that each of the Wild Things are an emotion that Max, the main character, feels with everything that is going on in his life. It really isn't a kids movie because there are only a couple of funny scenes in the film but it is still a great movie.

The movie really just seemed to be about how a kid felt about his dad not being around, his mom dating a new guy, and how his sister and her friends are mean to him and how Max deals with these emotions.

Overall, it was a really good movie. It is more of an adult movie than a kids movie, but nonetheless it was still a great movie.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

U2 360* Tour at the Cowboy Stadium

The screen display with all members of U2 On Monday, October 12 I saw two things for the very first time. One of them was being able to see the band U2 and the second was going to see the brand new Cowboy Stadium that my taxes paid for.

Everyone knew that parking is outrageous at the new stadium. From what I have been told, parking at the stadium will cost 50 bucks while all of the restaurants around the stadium will charge only 40 bucks. We decided to park in Lincoln Square at the TGI Fridays because our friend Tril works there as a bartender and he could hook us up with some cheap drinks and some free parking. After some food and a 10 minute walk to the stadium, we were there.

The stadium was great. It was no surprise that so many people could fit in there. We also checked out where people would be if they hard the party passes. Those people don't get seats so they have to stand the whole time.

The concert started around 7:30 with the opening band Muse. I have seen them once before when the opened up for My Chemical Romance a couple of years ago in Houston. Muse was really good. They started their set by playing their new song "Uprising". They played for about 45 minutes to an hour. I was really surprised by how many of their songs I knew. When they were done with their set, everyone in the stadium was ready for U2 to come out and play.

Upclose with BonoU2 started their set about 20 minutes after Muse ended their portion of the show. They started out by playing "Breathe". They played alot of their famous songs along with a bunch of songs from their new album. The show lasted about 2 hours. Since it was my first show, I did not really have a clue on how they would perform. Some bands will play their songs just like it is played on the radio or Cd's while other bands try to redo the songs to make them sound better.

They played the majority of their songs like they are heard on the radio, but they did slow down a couple of their songs like "I Still Haven't Found What I Am Looking For" and it sounded a lot better I thought.

The display screen coming downOne thing that I really enjoyed about the concert was that U2 had a round stage and everyone in the stadium could have a good view of the show. Right above the stage, the band had screens that would show whatever what was happening on stage at that moment. During one part of the show, the screen came down and expanded to become hundreds of separate smaller screens.

This would probably have to be one of the top 10 favorite concerts that I have been to. I am also glad that I got a chance to see U2 because they have been around for so long, that you know that they are going to have one hell of a concert when they do come into town for a concert.

This is also the last of the concerts that I will be attending for awhile. It was also a great concert to end the concert run with. Click here for Muse's portion of the concert and here for U2's portion.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Metallica Concert

Metallica lead singer James Hetfield For the past couple of weeks, I have been going to one concert a week. I have been excited and enjoyed all of the concerts that I have been to but nothing compared to the concert that I recently attended.

A couple of friends and bought floor seats a while ago to see Metallica. This was the first time that I have ever seen the band in concert before, while everyone else in the group has been at least 3 times before.

The concert started at 7, so we got there around 5:30 and got places right up against the rail, which was about 5 feet away from the stage. There were a couple of opening acts that were pretty good. One band was a French-Canadian metal band that I could not understand what they were saying to save my life and the other band was Lamb Of God.

Lamb of God was my favorite of the two opening acts although the French-Canadian band did have a crazy bassist. The guy reminded me of what Animal from the Muppets would look like if he played the bass instead of the drums. The dude was just all over the place.

Around 9, when the opening acts were done, the lights were turned off and Metallica turned on their intro music. The band always chooses the same bad ass song that plays when they walk on stage. It is the theme song to The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. This song kicks ass when there is absolutely no lights on and it just pumps you up even more. In case you don't know what song I am talking about, then you can check it out here.

Once Metallica came on to the stage, the whole arena went crazy, including myself. The concert The setlist, ticket, and pics from the showhad pyro, lasers, and alot of awesome songs. The good thing that I really loved about the concert was that there was not that much time in between songs. The band just went from one song right into another. There would be time were James (the lead singer) would just talk a little bit, but that was mainly just to pump up the crowd for the next song.

Since the concert was in an arena, the band set up a round stage so that every band would be in the middle of the arena and every one could have an equal view of the band. It also allowed the bands to move all over the place as well.

Metallica went a step further than the other bands and set up microphones all over the stage. There had to be at least 10 mics set up everywhere and the band went to all of them through out the concert and each song.

The band did an encore, but they did not sing their own songs. In the encore, the band plays some songs that they liked as fans themselves. Once the cover songs were over, they finished the concert by playing "Seek and Destroy". As they were getting ready to start that song, Lars Ulrich, the drummer, grabbed some random 8 year old kid out of the pit and had him play the intro on the drums. I don't know if the kid was nervous, but he seemed to know how the song went and he was alright at it too.

The house lights were kept on during the last song and half way through it, tons of black beach balls of different sizes came down to the crowd. As this was going on, the band finished the song and started to throw out the pics that they were using and I was lucky enough to catch one from guitarist Kirk Hammett.

The band played for a little over two hours straight. It was a great concert and I cant wait to go see them again when they come back into town.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Picnic Time

Yesterday, my church had a picnic and I won some awesome stuff. I won 34 bottles of wine and a day of golfing at an country club that is usually too expensive for me. It was a fun day filled with food, games and free beer which equals one of the best ways to spend to a Sunday.

Sunday, September 27, 2009


5 years after blink 182 broke up, the trio decided to get back together and do a reunion tour, and I was excited as a 13 year old girl.

Growing up, blink 182 was my favorite band. I would go to see them in concerts, read about them, and make my friends listen to them as well. My friends would always joke on how they don't remember getting in my car with out blink playing during some portion of the ride.

The only thing that I would complain about the show was the location of it. I hate the Center. It is hard to get to, parking sucks, beer was to expensive, and it just sucks. It would have been better if the show was at Nokia because every seat is awesome there and the acoustics sound badass. It would have also been a better show it was at the AAC because the parking there is fantastic. It took us way too long to get into the complex and even longer just to find a parking spot. But we finally made it to our seats and ready for the show.

Before blink went on, there were a couple of opening acts that I did not really care if I saw them or not. Asher Roth, All American Rejects, and Fall Out Boy were the opening acts.

Ogle and I were late so we missed the first 2 bands and saw half of the Fall Out Boy set. They were actually pretty good and I was even surprised at myself that I knew a bunch of their songs. There was about a 20 minute gap between Fall Out Boy and Blink 182, and the crowd was ready for them to come and take the stage.

Around 8:45, the house lights went off, the crowd started cheering, and blink took the stage. The group played 20 songs at it was awesome. Since it was a reunion tour, they played all of their biggest hits and then some really early stuff for all of the long time fans.

Just like all of their other shows that I have been to, the group would make dirty jokes and make fun of each other in between songs. They would even turn the house lights on and asked a random parent how they were enjoying the show or not.

Near the end of the show, Travis did do an awesome drum solo. His stage was lifted up in the air and it would move from one side of the stage to the other. Also, when the stage came back to the center, the center of the stage started to move like a spinner on a hubcap. The solo last about 6 minutes and it was pretty cool.

They ended the show with "Dammit" as they always do and everyone was jumping up and down while singing along to it. To check out the set list of the night, click here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Have you ever wanted to spend the day walking around aimlessly in the Texas heat while drinking wine? If you said "Of course, what else am I going to do, learn or be a good role model", then this is the post for you.

The day after the B.S. concert, a group us decided to go to Grapefest and do just what I discussed in the previous paragraph. If you don't remember what I wrote then you should see a doctor because you may be mildly retarded or you are a goldfish, either way you are screwed.

Grapefest is a really good time for all of the Winos to get together and sample all different types of wine. It is also a place where you can bring the whole family. For some reason I thought it was funny that they made a festival, which was dedicated to the joys of alcohol, a very family friendly place. The festival had pony rides, a petting zoo, and face painting.

Grapefest really had a carnival atmosphere to it. In order to buy any wine, beer, or food, each person had to buy tickets from the ticket Boothe. Each ticket was worth 50 cents and you would just use the tickets as cash. I have never understood this concept because you can just skip the ticket booth and just us cash. It would saves tons of time and money as well.

Anyway, there were tons of great wine out there. I learned that I am not much of a fan of most of the dry wines. It just has a bitter taste to me for some reason. The best beverage that I had there was a sangria called "Redheaded Step Child", it had a sweet taste and it was damn tasty.

It was also really great the weather was beyond awesome for that day. After almost a full week of nothing but cold weather and heavy rains, the sun was out and it seemed to be in the mid 80s for the temperature.

I couldn't really drink that much because I haven't eaten anything yet and mainly because I got a little overzealous the night before. There were all kinds of stands for food out there. One stand that stood out was a hamburger stand that sold a burrito hamburger. Basically, the was just a hamburger topped with everything that a person would find in a burrito. I didn't eat because I am not a big fan of burritos but they were selling tons of them that day.

We were only there for a couple of hours, but it was enough to wear someone out. Just the combination of wine, beer, greasy food, and the heat was all the we could handle. So naturally, where just went to an indoor bar to continue our antics that we were performing in the heat. A couple of rounds later, we were ready to leave and head over to Eric and Kristin's to watch the game, drink, and smoke some cigars. It was a good way to spend one of the first weekends in Texas that did not have a 100 degree temperature.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Circus: Starring Britney Spears

Her tour Logo Promoting the Circus Last Friday, my friend Sara Machi and I went to see Britney Spears in concert at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. From what I have heard from people who saw her first concert earlier in the year, that it will more of a show than a concert.

Even though it was just Machi and I seating with each other, my friends Sara Ferguson aka Fergie and Stephanie rode along with us to the concert. Now, being the mature, upstanding, moral people that we are, we decided to tailgate the Britney Spears concert. I have tailgated football games and that was no big deal to me, but this was a little awkward for some reason. It may be because were just hanging out in the parking lot of a Britney Spears concert where little kids roamed the parking lot with their parents, the two girls who parked next to us who decided that they couldn't wait to go inside and go to the bathroom and just go in between two cars and use each other as a shield, the sea of beer bottles that we left in our path, or the fact that we were just too damn awesome for the kids to understand. I think it was the last one.

After we finished our own pre party in the parking lot, we headed in to what were told would be one of the greatest shows of all time. As long as they had beer for sale, I would be just fine. Machi and I had some pretty good seats. We were the third row near the catwalk where the opening acts would enter and exit from. Being that close to a catwalk also meant the Britney Spears would walk/dance/skip/sex/be carried over to our side of the stage for a song/dance/orgy. I was obviously excited.

This was supposed to be a private photo for me, but the someone walked in, she put her top back on and pretended it was a photoshootThe show did start out like any other concert and it was also very prompt. The tickets stated that the show would start at 8 and everyone figured that it would start sometime around 8. Once the clock said 8, the preshow started and everyone started to go for their seats.

The opening acts were Kristinia DeBarge and Jordin Sparks. Kristinia DeBarge was the first one to go on the 360 degree stage.Since she is a new artist, she would have the least amount of time of perform, but she only sang two songs. Her first song was something that I had never heard of and the second was her first single called "Goodbye", which is an OK song.

After that short set, Jordin Sparks came out to sing. Normally, there would be some time between each artist but not with this show. There had to be only a 3 or 4 minute gap between their sets, which was pretty cool since no one had to sit around and just wait for the show to resume.

She sang for about 20 minutes and performed some new songs and also the popular ones that she is known for. They only songs that I knew were "No Air" and "Battlefield". She did do a good job and a ton of people seem to know a lot of her songs. After her last song, she thanked everyone who came and then a 360 degree came halfway down to the middle of the stage with a twenty minute countdown on it.

Machi and I spent that 20 minute period going to the bathroom, getting more drinks, and talking to some friends of ours that was at the show as well. And then the countdown came to and end.

Once the clock came to zero, all of the lights went off the curtain completely lowered to the stage and a video was shown on it. The video was a ringmaster, played by the master of all douche bags Perez Hilton, welcoming you to the best circus/concerts ever. Everyone in the video were dressed up to play the part that they were chosen to play and it was actually kind of interesting to watch. It would have been better if they shot and kill Perez Hilton right then and there, but I felt that may have been asking for too much.

Once, the video ended, Britney Spears came down from the ceiling and started to do some songs. She divided her show into 5 different acts, each act representing a different act from a normal circus show. At first, I did not realize that was her initial attack plan, I thought she was just doing some crazy sex acts on stage (which I would have been alright with).

She was on stage for almost 2 hours and even though there was some time in between songs, there was always some sort of circus act going on minus the donkey (again, I had no clue what she had up her sleeve).

She sang alot of her famous songs along with some new ones as well. She did a cover of "You Ought to Know" which sounded pretty decent. For the full set list and what act she was doing, you can check it out here.

After the concert ended, a group of us met up with some friends at a bar in Dallas called the Meridian Room. The bar was ok, there were hardly anyone in there and everyone who was at the concert was getting pretty tired by the end of the night. Overall it was a decent concert and we all had a pretty good time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

I don't listen to country music that much at all. I would say that I listen to country music when I am absolutely forced to, unless it is Taylor Swift but I never considered her to be county in the first place.

With that said, I went to a country music festival. It was an all day event but there was no way I can endure so much pain at for that length of time. The only reason I went to this concert was to see the Wallflowers.

The Wallflowers were a popular group in the 90s. They had a couple of good songs that I liked, but it I only saw them live once and I was really late to that concert so I only got to see part of their set which bummed me out.

The band went on at 8 and played for about an hour and a half. They played all of their big hits with the exception of "Heroes", which I am pretty sure is a David Bowie song anyway. I had a really good time during there set and song along with almost of the songs.

After their set, Austin, Sara, Susie and her friends met up at the Jack Daniel tent so they could get their drink on. As we are in the tent, the Jack Daniel reps were giving out free bandannas, stickers, and if you answered a question correctly, you would win a three foot tall statue of the Jack Daniel himself. Of course, we are up for any trivia contest.

The question was how did Jack Daniel die, well according to our trusty, reliable source known as wikipedia, he did of a toe infection that later became blood poisoning and then he bit the dust.

We were one of the first people to answer the question correctly so we won the statue. People were asking to take pictures with him and look at it as well. This one when drunk cowboy guy came up to me and offered to buy. He thought that if he had the statue, he would be this awesome guy that girls would want to be with and guys would want to be him. Obviously, this was not the case. Drunk cowboy guy gave me 30 bucks for a cheap statue that is probably worth only 5 bucks at best.

After this quick exchange, we saw Cross Canadian Ragweed for a little bit and then decided to get more drinks. Now, were gone for about at good 45 minutes and we saw the statue that drunk cowboy guy bought was just by itself, so we took it again.

One thing that I have to mention is that I did not fit into this crowd at all. Everyone was wearing their cowboy boots, wranglers, starched as hell shirts and cowboy hats. I, on the other hand, decided to rock out my plaid shorts, Adidas shoes, and a polo shirt. It was just weird.

After the concert, the group of us decided to be more country be going to Billy Bob's. With a title like that, you know it is a country bar and this bar even has its own indoor bull riding arena. With a couple of rounds of drinks there, it was time to call it a night because everyone was exhausted of the hoot n nannying all over the place. I am just glade that I ended up making money at the concert, so there is a chance that I might attend next year.

Monday, September 7, 2009

New York: Day 4

Apparently it is not customary to put dollar bills down a belly dancer's bra This is our last day of the trip, but New York still had some surprises up its sleeve to impress us. One this particular day of the trip, Paul went to the tennis matches by himself for a little bit because Cody and an extremely early flight and they were the only ones who had tickets for the Tuesday events. Which meant it was just Katie and I for a day.

Katie really wanted to go shopping and I just wanted to go anywhere that had air conditioning. Shopping with her was not really that bad. I did end up buying a really cool argyle sweater and Katie bought some girl stuff.

The original idea for our day was to alternate going from a store and a bar. I am pretty sure that A view from the 87th floor of the Empire State Buildingwe drank enough on the trip for the first two
days that we decided to just go to the clothing stores along with a visit to the Empire State Building and some kid stuff. The kid stuff that I am talking about is the huge Toys'R Us that was in Times Square.

The cool thing about this store was that there was a three story tall Ferris wheel in the middle of the store. There was also a small Lego Land and you could play with as many toys as you wanted to as well. Another cool aspect in the store was the candy area. They made it look almost like candy land. They even had the King of Candy Land greet everyone as they walked in.

After we spent some time in toy land, we decided to head out and venture out to other places in New York that we have yet to explore. The first place we went to was Madison Square Garden. Although we couldn't get in, we got some really got photos of the place.

The next place we went to was Grand Central Station. This place was huge. Just watching people walk in and out made me tired. We also did some other stuff like go to a park and watch people hibachi ( I have no clue how to spell it, but it was just a game of who throw a steel ball the closest to a rubber ball).

By this time of the day, I am exhausted. We have been walking around the streets of New York for about since 11 a.m. and it was about 5 when we met up with Paul. We met up with him in the lobby of our hotel and got something to drink in the lobby bar. After that, we decided to got to one more bar that was across the street, get a quick drink and then catch the plane home.

I honestly think that the plane home was probably one of the best plane rides that I have and will ever be able to be a part of. Our plane was supposed to leave at 9:15 p.m. but for some reason, they started to board at 8:50 and were ready to leave.

Once we got on the 132 passenger plane, we knew what was up. The whole plane was waiting on us. The grand total of the amount of people on board were only 14 and 8 of those people sat first class. The stewardess approached us and said that we could sit anywhere we wanted and just have fun. Again, since there were hardly any people on the plane, everyone was treated like a first class passenger. We were given free drinks and food. We were offered so much that we actually had to turn stuff down. Don't get me wrong, I love milk and cookies but there was no way I could eat/drink that after 3 rum and cokes and a bunch of warm assorted nuts (please feel free to make any joke you would like after that remark).

And the fun didn't even end there. The crew should us some movies and they even let us move around freely without any hesitation at all. One of the ladies on the crew even walked us out of the airport because we couldn't find the one exit that everyone had to take when it was passed midnight. She gave us all some hugs and said her goodbyes, she was a kick ass lady.

I know that I am leaving a bunch of stuff out from the rundown of each day's events, but I couldn't remember everything until I look at all of the drunken/embarrassing pictures that I have not even dare to look at just yet. I had a hell of a time there and cant wait to get back sometime and check out all of the other stuff that I had missed/forgotten.

New York: Day 3

That's right kids, that is the one and only Christie Brinkely at the US Open We are now into Day 3 of our New York Adventure and this is also the main reason that we came to New York in the first place.

The majority of the group got up pretty early in order to make the first match in Queens at 11 a.m. We had to take a couple of subway trains to get there and only 40 minutes as well.

This was a pretty fun/alcohol free day. Although i do not know much about the sport, it was pretty entertaining to watch because some people will just go crazy about.

The first match i saw was an Aussie vs a guy from Brazil. This game was intense mainly because of the fans. People were dressed up for their favorite player and making up cheers, chants, and boos for whatever the occasion called for.

I saw some damn good matches throughout the day but I do not know much about the plays, stats, or ranks enough to give you a full update about what happened throughout the day so that is why I am just going to skip to the night match because that was the highlight of the evening anyway.

The Arthur Ash Stadium, where the night matches were being held, opened at 6 for people with the night passes. As we trek our way to our seats, which were the very last row of the entire stadium, the four of us were getting pumped about the nights events.The view of the court from our orginal seats

Since this was the opening night of the US Open, there was going to be an opening ceremony with some famous people. The O'Jays were they to sing "Love Train" as a video of kids stopped playing tennis in order to get on a train the is headed towards the US Open. When there was about a minute in the song left, the video ended and all of the kids who were in the video ran onto the court with their tennis rackets and just stood there and waved at the crowd.

Once that was over, Robin Givens, she is an anchor on either the Today show or Good Morning America, came out and made a speech about athletes who have charities that help children. She then introduced a video about Mia, Hamm, Doug Flutie, David Robinson, and Andre Agassai and the work each person has done with their particular charity.

Since it was the US Open, Andre Agassi was the last one to make a speech about his charity and he did a pretty damn good job at it as well. Then once the speeches ended, it was time for Rob Thomas of Matchbox Twenty to come out and sing "America the Beautiful". Then the matches started.

The first match to be played that night was Venus Williams vs Vera Dushevina of Russia. Good Lord this was one long match. It started around 8 p.m. and it had to be the longest match that I have ever seen. It lasted almost 3 hours of play time. That does not even include the time outs or anything like that at all. It was a good match but it was just too damn long for me.

Another thing that was a little weird about that match was that we were on the very top of the The view of the city at night from our orginal seatsstadium and some people were a little too serious about watching tennis. The 4 of us were talking(never above a whisper though) during play which is generally not allowed because you do not want to do anything to distract the players at all, but since we were so high and far away from the players, it didn't really matter if we followed that rule or not.

The people in front of us thought we were speaking way too loud because they asked us to keep our conversation down to almost nothing. The family just seemed so cold about it, but we just continued to act the same as we did not to be rude but because all of the other people who either sat right in front or to the side of them were talking the same as we were and they said nothing.

After Venus Williams won the match, it was time to see Andy Roddick play. Roddick was up against an unranked German named Bjorn Phau. Now this was one hell of a match. Roddick and Phau had a serve that would average at 130 miles an hour. Even though we were not that close to the court, we could still hear each grunt the players did because it was so quiet.

One thing that we did notice was that due to the women's match taking so long, a lot of people started to leave and go home. As this was going on, we slowly made our way down to get closer and closer to the court. Eventually, we got as close as we could while still being on our tier. We decided to see if we could sneak down just to the second tier for a better view since so many seats became available.

In between the second and third set, a spokesman for the US Open was offering tickets upgrades to anyone who wanted to seat in the first tier of the stadium because it was being televised and they wanted as many seats that were going to be shown on TV to be filled. This wasThe view from our new seats great news to us because we just went from the last row of the stadium to row 10.

On our way to get our new seats, we saw the always lovely looking Christie Brinkley. She was their with two friends and her mother. We asked her if we could take a picture with her and she was happy to do so. She was probably one of the nicest celebrities that I have met.

Once we got to our seats, the game seemed to be completely different. There was just a different vibe that became very exciting with everyone that moved from the top tier all the way down to the first 10 rows.

Again, the women's match took almost 3 hours to complete. I am glade that I was not the only one who felt that 3 hours for one match was just too damn long. The men's match was nearly half the time. Everything seemed to move a lot quicker and smoother. In the end, Roddick won, which was no surprise since he is ranked third.

As we were leaving the stadium, we saw David Robinson and gave him a high five before a crowd started to mob him for pictures. He was gone pretty quickly because he had some press that he had to do. We finally got on the subway for a 40 minute ride back to hotel. Once we got there, everyone went to sleep due to being outdoors and in the heat for an entire day.

Day 4: Coming Soon

Sunday, September 6, 2009

New York: Day 2

Me on the floor of our hotel elevator after we completed Night 2 in NYC After surviving the first night in the city that never sleeps, the four of us were refreshed and ready for the second day.

We all decided that we were going to see a play that day but we did not know exactly what play we would see. We knew of a very well known off site ticket booth where anyone could buy tickets to a play at a discount (as long it is on the same day).

Since none of us really knew what we wanted to see, we just chose a play based on its title. And the play that was chosen was called "Don't Leave It All To Your Children". The title alone brought many different types of scenarios to my mind, like is it going to be a comedy, drama, or some sort of weird illegal thing that I cant really go into detail about.

After we bought the tickets, at half price if I may add, we had a bunch of time to kill which we meant it was Central Park time.

I knew Central Park was a big place, but I never knew how big it actually was. There was tons of things to do there. People were getting in line to go to some puppet play, others were singing or performing with some band, hell some people were just dancing and skating around for some money.

We walked around Central Park what seemed to be like forever. There were a couple of mini parks within Central Park and each seemed to be the exact same. Kids were playing Frisbee golf, people reading, sleeping, or even just getting down to their tightie whities and just trying to get a tan. After all of our time in Central Park, it was time to go see the play.

We knew that the play was off Broadway but once we arrived to the theatre, I thought that Cody and Paul were playing some sort of joke on me. We traveled to a place called "The Actor's Temple". Obviously, it was a Jewish synagogue that was used as a place of worship and a theatre for plays.

As we looked around at the crowd, we notice one detail that would have been great if it was brought to our attention before we bought the tickets. The show was made directly for the "Baby Boomer" generation. The age gap between us and the next youngest person had to be anywhere between 40 to 50 years at least.

The performance itself was about what these old timer remember, such as the Ed Sullivan Show, skates that require a key, trying to bribe your grandkids, and why funeral costs are so much. It seemed to be more of a variety show than a play with an actual plot. Even though we did not understand all of the jokes, we thought the play was hilarious mainly because of the comments that the 2 elderly Jewish couples were making in front of us. I honestly think that old people have to be either the least funny or the most funny people anyone could be around.

The show was a well spent hour and a half mainly because we laughed our asses off, but also because we got to sit down and rest for an extended amount of time in the air conditioning.

After the play, we decided to hit up a couple of bars before dinner. For some reason, we all felt that mainly going to the local bars and then hitting the popular spots was the thing to do. It did work out for the best because we got quick service and each bar had a different beer that some of us had never tried before.

After couple of hours of visiting different bars and walking around in the mainly neighborhoods that New York had to offer us, it was finally dinner time. And all of us were waiting for this particular meal.

The four of us were pumped up to go out this night because of two reasons. This was going to be the only meal where we were willing to pay the most for and also it included ninjas. Yes, you read the last statement correct, there were going to be an abundance of ninjas there.The only sign that shows where the Ninja is

The place we chose to eat was a place simply called Ninja. It was obviously a ninja themed restaurant with food served by employees in ninja gear (some even had swords which made it even better).
The place was actually very well hidden, it was just a door that led to a small room with the hostess. The hostess would then call to someone saying how many people were in the group and she then asked you to go into an elevator that would take you down to the actual restaurant area.

The cool thing about the elevator was that once the doors shut, the lights dimmed down to almost nothing and then, once you reached the bottom floor, the doors opened and a ninja jumped out of nowhere and scared us. Lets be honest, when I mean the ninja scared us, i am actually saying that the ninja scared the hell out me and only me.

It was a unique experience to eat there. The ninja guide said that we had two options to get to our table. We could go the safe way and go right to our table or we could go the dangerous way. We went the dangerous route all the way.

We had to cross labyrinth in the dark with only a couple of lanterns to help guide us. Once we reached the end, another damn ninja came out and scared the hell out of me again. I was starting to think that this particular ninja had something against me.

I had to battle a ninja to death after he refused to bow to me We then headed to our table which was basically our own private room that we had to go to by crossing over a bridge. The food was really good and if you ordered anything off of the "Ninja" menu, they would bring out that particular dish with a particular kind of show. The restaurant seemed like Ninja version of Medieval Times but on a smaller more private scale.

And as they were doing the show, another damn ninja scared the hell out me. At this point I wish i had some ninja stars to throw and get my revenge somehow. After they did their food presentation, they left us alone so we could enjoy our food in peace without any ninja distractions.
The rest of the night was once again just bar hopping from neighborhood to neighborhood and just try different beverages. I believe this night we went to 4 different bars and hung with people from Belgium and Australia. Follow the link here for the map of all the places that we went to that day.
Day 3: Coming Soon

New York: Day 1

View of the Empire State Building from the entrance of our hotel Paul, Katie, and I got on a plane and headed north to NYC for the US Tennis Open. The plane was an extremely early flight. It took off at 7 an la manana and that was way too early for me.

The three of us went from the airport straight to the hotel where the trip started on a good note. When the bellhop showed us to our room, he said that we would not have a view of the city, but instead we only see the other half of the hotel. As, the bellhop started to leave, I looked out the window and saw something that you would only see in cinamax late at night.

I opened up the window and had a clear view of the room from across from ours and there was some lady in nothing but a bra and thong. From that point on, we knew it was going to be a great trip.
The three of us, while waiting for the rest of the group to arrive, decided to go and check out Ground Zero along with other landmarks in New York. But before we could do any landmark sighting, we had to hit up a bar first.

We went to some dive bar, i believe the more of a dive the bar the better it is, which seemed to be located in an old fire station because of the garage bay doors being used as an entrance. This particular bar also had a pretty damn good special going on for a Saturday afternoon. Starting at noon, all pitchers of beer started at 4 and went up 50 cents every hour and they also had tons of beer pong being played at the same time.View of Ground Zero from across the street

After that small excursion at random bar #1, we headed of to see Ground Zero. It was really strange and at the same time very moving to see this site. Everything was eerily quiet and somber.

Another weird thing about this site is that right across the street is a business building which consists of various private business and a mall and right behind the mall is a very lively river area.
I don't know what river it was but you could clearly see the Statue Of Liberty in the background and there were plenty of people learning how to sail boats and also the NYU Sail boating School as well. The view from this area was fantastic. It was weird that one building had two completely different views and feelings from one side to the other.

The NYU Sailing SchoolAfter Ground Zero, we visited Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange. That was a really cool place to see and learn about because the only knowledge of this place is from whatever I learned while watching "Trading Places", "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" or "Wall Street".

At this point, we have done alot of walking and subway riding, so we decided to something to eat. We traveled to Little Italy and picked the first restaurant we saw that had outdoor seating. What we didn't know is that almost every Italian restaurant had outdoor seating.

The Italian place seemed to be what a typical Italian restaurant in New York may be like. The "host" will do whatever they can to entice you to come to their business from you. It was actually kind of amusing to watch because they reminded me of a car salesman trying their best to sell you something.

After a quick little lunch, we saw Battery Park, Washington Park, and parts of Chinatown. After visiting this places, we had to go back to hotel to meet up with Cody. Cody was supposed to be their earlier but his plane from Austin, TX was delayed due to rain and he also got nailed in the crotch by a 4 year old with her yo-yo.
Entrance to Little Italy Around 9 P.M., Cody finally showed up and the 4 of us were ready to hit the town New York Style. The first place we went to was to Times Square. We all wanted to see what the place looked like at night with all of the lights on. And it looked awesome. We probably walked around for about 45 minutes just to check everything out and also to scout out places that we wanted to go to the next day.

Now, I don't remember where we ate dinner but I do know it was an Irish bar and grill. I just had a grill chicken sandwhich which was the bomb. We had a couple of drinks there after dinner and decided to hit up the night life as best as 3 guys and a girl from Texas could.

We went to different types of bars just to see what NYC had to offer, and NYC did not disappoint us at all. Since the group was from Texas and used to Texas laws, we could not believe that the NYC bars closed at 4 a.m. instead of 2 a.m. like in Texas. Which means were had to work a little harder in order to last 2 more hours.

We went to 5 different bars that night and each place seemed to be the complete opposite place to the previous one we just visited. That night we visited the following bars: O'Briens, Fat Black Pussy Cat, KGB Bar, McSorley’s, and Grassroots. You can check out the map here to see where we traveled to get to these places.
Day 2: Coming Soon

Back from New York

Its picture taking time on a bridge in Central Park
I just recently got from the US Open in New York, and let me tell you, it was so much fun. Instead of giving an extremely long post about my four day trip and everything that occurred during my visit, I am going to divide each day as a different post. Those post should be up on the site fairly quickly.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inglourious Basterds

an unused poster work for Inglourious Basterds from I saw Inglorious Basterds the other night, and it was one long ass, but good movie.

Right off the bat, I knew it was going to be an extremely violent movie because it was directed by Quentin Tarantino. And this man did not let me down one bit.

The beginning of the movie was a little nerve wrecking because you did not know what was going to happen at because it defiantly seemed like the calm right before a horrible storm hits hard.

Another good thing about this movie is no character is off limits to death. Some of the characters that I thought would live died (in some awesome ways if I may add) and the vice versa occurred as well.

If you haven't seen the movie, then you need to because just hearing Brad Pitt doing southern hick accent is worth the price of the ticket alone.

Strawberry Swing - Coldplay

a snapshot from the beginning of the video I am not going to lie to you, at first I was not a big Coldplay fan. The only song of theirs that I heard was "Yellow" and I hated the video. But over time, they became one of my favorite bands to listen to as well as watch.

They have tons of awesome videos like "trouble", "the scientist", "viva la Vida", and one of my all time favorite of theirs "Life in Technicolor II". Their new video is quickly rising to become one of my favorites all ready. The song is called "Strawberry Swing" and the video is amazing.

The video consist of Chris Martin laying down in the street in various positions while acting out whatever is drawn on the street near him with chalk. It really is cool and you can check out the video here.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weather Report for Texas.....

.....its too damn hot here in the summer.

Billy's Graduation Celebtation

How in the hell did this kid graduate in just a shade under a decade? Well, its official, Bill Spring graduated from college and it only took 7 years for him to do it. And to celebrate this special occasion, well threw him a Graduation Party.

The graduation party started out really nice and really low key. A small group of use went with him to a restaurant called "Chimy's". It is a small place tucked in an alley. They have awesome specials and the prices are really low. I should charge them for advertising the place, but it was really good. The group, which was about 17 of us, stayed there for a couple of hours enjoying the atmosphere and margaritas.

The group then decided to go to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar, but the place was too packed for any us to hang out with each other or get good service so we went to 8.0s instead, which was a good choice.

8.0s was crowded but we did find enough space for the whole group to sit together to the right of the stage. At this point of the night is where everything started to go south.

Within the first 15 minutes we were there, Billy had 4 shots and a couple of beers. Everyone at once thought it would be a good idea to buy a shot, but nobody was smart enough to inform anyone else about it.

About an hour later, Trl and I decided to talk to the band to see if we could get Billy on stage and just embarrass the hell out of him. And they said of course he could get on stage for a song.

Trl and I escorted Billy's now drunken ass to the side of the stage where Billy then decided to hit on a mom and daughter at the same time. Some of the stuff he said was priceless but also some of the dirtiest things that I have ever heard in my life. The band introduced Billy and they made him dance to "Doin it in the Butt". Everyone in our group, well everyone except for Martha, rushed to the stage to take pictures and just watch him embarrass himself. After his standing ovation, everyone returned to our table, except for Martha because she was there the whole time in some stupid pissed off mood, and continue to have a good time.

About on hour after the his first time on stage, everyone was getting pretty crazy, especially Billy. After way too many shots and Billy hitting on every girl in the bar, he was asked to leave by the 8.0s management. The funny thing was is that it is only 11 at night.

Billy didn't remember much about the night before but he knew he had a good time because his mom left him several messages on his voice about how he needed to call home quickly so she and his father could talk to him about the decisions that he had made before.

The next day, we went to his parents house for a family/friend party that was not going to be anything like the night before. It was very relaxing and low key. There were probably 15 people there, but the majority of the group were family. His dad did buy us a keg of Shiner, which was transported to Billy's house and finished at 4 a.m.

There is no other way to celebrate your college graduation with killing all of the brain cells that contained all of the information that you had learn from college.