Thursday, September 24, 2009


Have you ever wanted to spend the day walking around aimlessly in the Texas heat while drinking wine? If you said "Of course, what else am I going to do, learn or be a good role model", then this is the post for you.

The day after the B.S. concert, a group us decided to go to Grapefest and do just what I discussed in the previous paragraph. If you don't remember what I wrote then you should see a doctor because you may be mildly retarded or you are a goldfish, either way you are screwed.

Grapefest is a really good time for all of the Winos to get together and sample all different types of wine. It is also a place where you can bring the whole family. For some reason I thought it was funny that they made a festival, which was dedicated to the joys of alcohol, a very family friendly place. The festival had pony rides, a petting zoo, and face painting.

Grapefest really had a carnival atmosphere to it. In order to buy any wine, beer, or food, each person had to buy tickets from the ticket Boothe. Each ticket was worth 50 cents and you would just use the tickets as cash. I have never understood this concept because you can just skip the ticket booth and just us cash. It would saves tons of time and money as well.

Anyway, there were tons of great wine out there. I learned that I am not much of a fan of most of the dry wines. It just has a bitter taste to me for some reason. The best beverage that I had there was a sangria called "Redheaded Step Child", it had a sweet taste and it was damn tasty.

It was also really great the weather was beyond awesome for that day. After almost a full week of nothing but cold weather and heavy rains, the sun was out and it seemed to be in the mid 80s for the temperature.

I couldn't really drink that much because I haven't eaten anything yet and mainly because I got a little overzealous the night before. There were all kinds of stands for food out there. One stand that stood out was a hamburger stand that sold a burrito hamburger. Basically, the was just a hamburger topped with everything that a person would find in a burrito. I didn't eat because I am not a big fan of burritos but they were selling tons of them that day.

We were only there for a couple of hours, but it was enough to wear someone out. Just the combination of wine, beer, greasy food, and the heat was all the we could handle. So naturally, where just went to an indoor bar to continue our antics that we were performing in the heat. A couple of rounds later, we were ready to leave and head over to Eric and Kristin's to watch the game, drink, and smoke some cigars. It was a good way to spend one of the first weekends in Texas that did not have a 100 degree temperature.

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