Sunday, November 8, 2009

Halloween Parties: The Austin, TX Edition

I took the Friday before Halloween off from work in order to make the long and dangerous journey to Austin, TX. The reason for the adventure was for the Halloween party that was going to occur on Saturday night. A huge group of us were going, but everyone else was going on the day of Halloween while Jessica and I went the night before.

We meet up with Cody, Laura, Boj, and Matt and had a quick dinner at Kerby Lane and then hit up the night life Austin, TX style. And by Austin, TX style, I mean we went to a neighborhood karaoke bar called Homer's. After a few pitchers and some horrible singing, it was time to bring to party back to Cody and Laura's. We all stayed up way too late because we knew we had a full day ahead of us in order to set up the party.

When we woke up the next day, the girls decided to hang out and do some girl stuff while the guys decided start they day by getting an authentic Mexican breakfast, getting some dry ice and play a round of golf and have a couple of drinks. We probably golfed a little longer than we should have because the girls pretty much did all of the preparations for the party that we were supposed to do.

By the time we got done with golfing, we only had a couple of hours to get ready for the party and waited for the rest of the group to come over to Cody and Laura's house before we departed to Darby and Jenn's house, where party was going to be that night.

Around 7, everyone made it to Cody's house and we decided to head over to Darby's house a little before the party just to help set up the keg and sound system. We also had to put up pieces of dry ice in various places to give a spooky tone.

An hour later, people started to show up for the party. Darby has some really cool property that is perfect for throwing parties. Next to his house, Darby and his wife bought the lot next door. It is big enough for them to park and RV and a couple of boats if they wanted to do that.

On one end of the fenced in lot, was the sound system that was hooked up to a projector that was showing the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. On the other end of the lot, was the drink station that was equipped with a keg and some punch was started out not being too strong but that change when Cody got a hold of it. Oh, and in the middle of the lot was a little bonfire that was going on the entire night.

Like I said in the previous paragraph, the punch was not that strong to begin with. We were at the party for about an hour and a half until Cody had the bright idea to add an entire bottle of everclear into the punch without telling anyone, especially his wife Laura.

By 10, Cody is completely hammered watching the movie by himself while giving his own commentary to the movie. A couple of hours later, it was time for us to go home because we were getting too tired and only had one dd at this point.

The group then went back to Cody and Laura's house since we were all staying there for the night. We woke up the next morning and went to BB Rover for what had to be the best breakfast that I have ever had. After that, it was watching some of the Cowboys game and making that 3 hour drive back to Arlington.

One thing that I did forget to mention was how everyone woke up on Sunday morning. I woke up on the couch wearing my costume along with someone's hoodie and sports coat on. Paul woke up in their computer room scared and alone because he had no idea where he was or his wife Katie, who happened to be in the next room asleep and not worrying about Paul at all. Cody fell asleep with his "Teen Wolf" make up on and got it all over his wife and bed. When he woke up, he looked like he had just got home from living in Tibet for seven 7 years and never being able to take a shower in that time. And no one knew where Matt slept, whenever one woke up, he just appeared out of nowhere with a dog.

The funny thing was that we had to look at each other's cameras to see what all occurred the night before. Overall, it was a great weekend though.

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