Sunday, August 23, 2009

Billy's Graduation Celebtation

How in the hell did this kid graduate in just a shade under a decade? Well, its official, Bill Spring graduated from college and it only took 7 years for him to do it. And to celebrate this special occasion, well threw him a Graduation Party.

The graduation party started out really nice and really low key. A small group of use went with him to a restaurant called "Chimy's". It is a small place tucked in an alley. They have awesome specials and the prices are really low. I should charge them for advertising the place, but it was really good. The group, which was about 17 of us, stayed there for a couple of hours enjoying the atmosphere and margaritas.

The group then decided to go to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar, but the place was too packed for any us to hang out with each other or get good service so we went to 8.0s instead, which was a good choice.

8.0s was crowded but we did find enough space for the whole group to sit together to the right of the stage. At this point of the night is where everything started to go south.

Within the first 15 minutes we were there, Billy had 4 shots and a couple of beers. Everyone at once thought it would be a good idea to buy a shot, but nobody was smart enough to inform anyone else about it.

About an hour later, Trl and I decided to talk to the band to see if we could get Billy on stage and just embarrass the hell out of him. And they said of course he could get on stage for a song.

Trl and I escorted Billy's now drunken ass to the side of the stage where Billy then decided to hit on a mom and daughter at the same time. Some of the stuff he said was priceless but also some of the dirtiest things that I have ever heard in my life. The band introduced Billy and they made him dance to "Doin it in the Butt". Everyone in our group, well everyone except for Martha, rushed to the stage to take pictures and just watch him embarrass himself. After his standing ovation, everyone returned to our table, except for Martha because she was there the whole time in some stupid pissed off mood, and continue to have a good time.

About on hour after the his first time on stage, everyone was getting pretty crazy, especially Billy. After way too many shots and Billy hitting on every girl in the bar, he was asked to leave by the 8.0s management. The funny thing was is that it is only 11 at night.

Billy didn't remember much about the night before but he knew he had a good time because his mom left him several messages on his voice about how he needed to call home quickly so she and his father could talk to him about the decisions that he had made before.

The next day, we went to his parents house for a family/friend party that was not going to be anything like the night before. It was very relaxing and low key. There were probably 15 people there, but the majority of the group were family. His dad did buy us a keg of Shiner, which was transported to Billy's house and finished at 4 a.m.

There is no other way to celebrate your college graduation with killing all of the brain cells that contained all of the information that you had learn from college.

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