Sunday, November 29, 2009

James Bond Party and the Cleggs

James Bond Party Flyer. If you weren't invited, then your parents don't love you The Wednesday before every Thanksgiving, some friends of mine have a yearly tradition. Have a James Bond Themed Party and get crazy. This party has been going on for some time now and it never seems to disappoint.

The party had all of the ingredients for people in their twenties to have a great time. And those ingredients included obnoxiously loud music, beer pong, an assortment of beverages, and a dance floor that will just appear out of nowhere.

People are encouraged to dress up like their favorite character from any of the Bond movies but usually about half of the crowd does it. I painted myself in gold one year but some drunk guy thought I was just a big Academy Award.

Some friends and I went to the party but could only stay for a couple of hours because we were pre-gaming pretty hard with some people we haven't seen since high school and lost track of time while "reliving" the old days. By "reliving" the old days, I really mean we were just making fun of each other the whole time while sharing a beer or 12.

If you want to come next year, just call Danny. I just realized that I left his number up on the flyer. So give him a call and make your reservations for next year.

I am now going to jump to the Friday after Thanksgiving since not a lot happened that day but it involved the same people from the party.

Every year, the Clegg Brothers have a "Friends and Family" Thanksgiving Dinner at their house. It is just a time where all of their friends get together and hang out with their folks for a little bit. The night always ends up the same. We will make some very inappropriate jokes about Alyssa to her face, I end up drinking too much wine, The Clegg Brothers will relentlessly make fun of each other, and their parents will just look in disbelief will making ashamed/humorous faces at everyone.

I am not going to lie, I always look forward this event every year because it is an extremely cool and relaxing way to spend an evening. By the end of the night, we usually go through at least 4 bottles of wine and several types of deserts.

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