Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving 09

Usually, my family likes to get together and cook for our Thanksgiving Feast, but this year we wanted to shake things up a bit.

My mom, dad, and I decided not to cook and just go out to eat for dinner instead. We got into the car and traveled the long 20 minute journey to "The Keg Steakhouse" for their Thanksgiving Special. The special itself was basically a steal and a person would have to be damn near retarded not to get it.

The restaurant was packed with people who had the same idea as us. The Keg Thanksgiving special was a three course meal for only 20 bucks a person. Who ever ordered the meal would get a ginormous caesar salad as an appetizer, white and dark meat turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mushrooms, tons of vegetables, gravy, and some cranberries for the main course, and for dessert, a piece of pumpkin cheese cake of course. To add to the mix, the three of us also thought that it would a grand ideal to have a couple of mixed drinks as well. And to let you know, it was a damn good ideal my friends.

After a couple hours of feasting on our delicious food, it was time to pay the check and go home. When we got back home and changed into our elastic pants, it was time for a couple of more drinks and slowly slip into a turkey coma for a couple of hours. The amount of food that was left over from the restaurant would definitely hold us over for a couple of days without any worry at all.

After I awoke from my slumber and discovered 3 missed calls and 9 text messages, it was time to get ready and go to 12th First Annual "Paul and Katie Started a Fire and Have Too Much Booze to Finish By Themselves" Party. This is the first year that they have done this, but for some reason, it does sound more fun if you put some random number in front of it. It tends to attract more people to come because they will think that they have been left out of all of the previous parties.

At Paul and Katie's, I couldn't believe how much firewood some one would go through in during a 3 hour period. Paul had gotten some firewood from some Paul Bunyan type of relative that he has in Ennis. It probably would have been better if we would used only large logs instead on small ones, but it still got the job done.

After a case of beer, some Crown Royal, and the first "Vacation" movie done with, it was time to call it a night and head home with the knowledge that every meal for the next couple of days would contain some sort of turkey product. I predict that will be sick of turkey by Saturday afternoon. Any takers?

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