Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Circus: Starring Britney Spears

Her tour Logo Promoting the Circus Last Friday, my friend Sara Machi and I went to see Britney Spears in concert at the American Airlines Center in Dallas. From what I have heard from people who saw her first concert earlier in the year, that it will more of a show than a concert.

Even though it was just Machi and I seating with each other, my friends Sara Ferguson aka Fergie and Stephanie rode along with us to the concert. Now, being the mature, upstanding, moral people that we are, we decided to tailgate the Britney Spears concert. I have tailgated football games and that was no big deal to me, but this was a little awkward for some reason. It may be because were just hanging out in the parking lot of a Britney Spears concert where little kids roamed the parking lot with their parents, the two girls who parked next to us who decided that they couldn't wait to go inside and go to the bathroom and just go in between two cars and use each other as a shield, the sea of beer bottles that we left in our path, or the fact that we were just too damn awesome for the kids to understand. I think it was the last one.

After we finished our own pre party in the parking lot, we headed in to what were told would be one of the greatest shows of all time. As long as they had beer for sale, I would be just fine. Machi and I had some pretty good seats. We were the third row near the catwalk where the opening acts would enter and exit from. Being that close to a catwalk also meant the Britney Spears would walk/dance/skip/sex/be carried over to our side of the stage for a song/dance/orgy. I was obviously excited.

This was supposed to be a private photo for me, but the someone walked in, she put her top back on and pretended it was a photoshootThe show did start out like any other concert and it was also very prompt. The tickets stated that the show would start at 8 and everyone figured that it would start sometime around 8. Once the clock said 8, the preshow started and everyone started to go for their seats.

The opening acts were Kristinia DeBarge and Jordin Sparks. Kristinia DeBarge was the first one to go on the 360 degree stage.Since she is a new artist, she would have the least amount of time of perform, but she only sang two songs. Her first song was something that I had never heard of and the second was her first single called "Goodbye", which is an OK song.

After that short set, Jordin Sparks came out to sing. Normally, there would be some time between each artist but not with this show. There had to be only a 3 or 4 minute gap between their sets, which was pretty cool since no one had to sit around and just wait for the show to resume.

She sang for about 20 minutes and performed some new songs and also the popular ones that she is known for. They only songs that I knew were "No Air" and "Battlefield". She did do a good job and a ton of people seem to know a lot of her songs. After her last song, she thanked everyone who came and then a 360 degree came halfway down to the middle of the stage with a twenty minute countdown on it.

Machi and I spent that 20 minute period going to the bathroom, getting more drinks, and talking to some friends of ours that was at the show as well. And then the countdown came to and end.

Once the clock came to zero, all of the lights went off the curtain completely lowered to the stage and a video was shown on it. The video was a ringmaster, played by the master of all douche bags Perez Hilton, welcoming you to the best circus/concerts ever. Everyone in the video were dressed up to play the part that they were chosen to play and it was actually kind of interesting to watch. It would have been better if they shot and kill Perez Hilton right then and there, but I felt that may have been asking for too much.

Once, the video ended, Britney Spears came down from the ceiling and started to do some songs. She divided her show into 5 different acts, each act representing a different act from a normal circus show. At first, I did not realize that was her initial attack plan, I thought she was just doing some crazy sex acts on stage (which I would have been alright with).

She was on stage for almost 2 hours and even though there was some time in between songs, there was always some sort of circus act going on minus the donkey (again, I had no clue what she had up her sleeve).

She sang alot of her famous songs along with some new ones as well. She did a cover of "You Ought to Know" which sounded pretty decent. For the full set list and what act she was doing, you can check it out here.

After the concert ended, a group of us met up with some friends at a bar in Dallas called the Meridian Room. The bar was ok, there were hardly anyone in there and everyone who was at the concert was getting pretty tired by the end of the night. Overall it was a decent concert and we all had a pretty good time.

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