Monday, September 7, 2009

New York: Day 4

Apparently it is not customary to put dollar bills down a belly dancer's bra This is our last day of the trip, but New York still had some surprises up its sleeve to impress us. One this particular day of the trip, Paul went to the tennis matches by himself for a little bit because Cody and an extremely early flight and they were the only ones who had tickets for the Tuesday events. Which meant it was just Katie and I for a day.

Katie really wanted to go shopping and I just wanted to go anywhere that had air conditioning. Shopping with her was not really that bad. I did end up buying a really cool argyle sweater and Katie bought some girl stuff.

The original idea for our day was to alternate going from a store and a bar. I am pretty sure that A view from the 87th floor of the Empire State Buildingwe drank enough on the trip for the first two
days that we decided to just go to the clothing stores along with a visit to the Empire State Building and some kid stuff. The kid stuff that I am talking about is the huge Toys'R Us that was in Times Square.

The cool thing about this store was that there was a three story tall Ferris wheel in the middle of the store. There was also a small Lego Land and you could play with as many toys as you wanted to as well. Another cool aspect in the store was the candy area. They made it look almost like candy land. They even had the King of Candy Land greet everyone as they walked in.

After we spent some time in toy land, we decided to head out and venture out to other places in New York that we have yet to explore. The first place we went to was Madison Square Garden. Although we couldn't get in, we got some really got photos of the place.

The next place we went to was Grand Central Station. This place was huge. Just watching people walk in and out made me tired. We also did some other stuff like go to a park and watch people hibachi ( I have no clue how to spell it, but it was just a game of who throw a steel ball the closest to a rubber ball).

By this time of the day, I am exhausted. We have been walking around the streets of New York for about since 11 a.m. and it was about 5 when we met up with Paul. We met up with him in the lobby of our hotel and got something to drink in the lobby bar. After that, we decided to got to one more bar that was across the street, get a quick drink and then catch the plane home.

I honestly think that the plane home was probably one of the best plane rides that I have and will ever be able to be a part of. Our plane was supposed to leave at 9:15 p.m. but for some reason, they started to board at 8:50 and were ready to leave.

Once we got on the 132 passenger plane, we knew what was up. The whole plane was waiting on us. The grand total of the amount of people on board were only 14 and 8 of those people sat first class. The stewardess approached us and said that we could sit anywhere we wanted and just have fun. Again, since there were hardly any people on the plane, everyone was treated like a first class passenger. We were given free drinks and food. We were offered so much that we actually had to turn stuff down. Don't get me wrong, I love milk and cookies but there was no way I could eat/drink that after 3 rum and cokes and a bunch of warm assorted nuts (please feel free to make any joke you would like after that remark).

And the fun didn't even end there. The crew should us some movies and they even let us move around freely without any hesitation at all. One of the ladies on the crew even walked us out of the airport because we couldn't find the one exit that everyone had to take when it was passed midnight. She gave us all some hugs and said her goodbyes, she was a kick ass lady.

I know that I am leaving a bunch of stuff out from the rundown of each day's events, but I couldn't remember everything until I look at all of the drunken/embarrassing pictures that I have not even dare to look at just yet. I had a hell of a time there and cant wait to get back sometime and check out all of the other stuff that I had missed/forgotten.

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