Monday, November 30, 2009

Oprah Loves the Blue Ball

For the last time, shut your mouth Dave. I am trying to watch Blue Ball If there is one thing that I know, it is that Oprah loves the blue ball game. What is Blue Ball you ask? Well let me tell you that it is a game that should not be taken lightly or a game that involves a piece of pumpkin cheese and sangria for breakfast.

Blue Ball is a game the combines some of the rules from football and rugby. There are way too many rules to write on this mainly because certain rules only apply for certain plays/situations and also for the fact that I still don't know all of the rules anyway.

This year, we got to play on an indoor soccer practice field because one of our friends works at a local high school and he borrowed the keys for the weekend.

The first 9 minutes of the game was great, both teams only scored once and we knew each others strategies. But when the 10Th minute occurred, I was done with. Like I said before, it is not the brightest ideal to eat a piece of cheesecake for breakfast before and extremely enduranced fill sport with hardly any time to take a break.

I will cut the long story short, I threw up all over the place. I wasn't my best moment, but at least I gave it my all.

After my quick personal time out, I went back to the field to join my two teammates to dominate the hell out of the field to barely win the game. I think what killed me that most was the constant running and being required to do anything that was remotely athletic. It is just hard to prepare for the game because we are either training for our strongman competitions, playing video games, or at a bar talking about strongman competitions and video games. I am more than certain that the latter is the correct answer.

Katie tends to record all of the games, so it was nice to see a group of out of shape guys try to play a game and get winded within the first 8 minutes of game play.

After the game, everyone got ready to go Pete and Jess' house for the annual Saturday after Thanksgiving party. It is always a potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish and whatever type of beverage that they want to share with everyone. There is usually a wide array of food at this event. Some body may bring tamales while another person while bring some from chicken express while another may bring hamburger buns and cookies. Even though the food types may not match, everything usually gets eaten very quickly.

The rest of the night is usually spent by the girls talking and the guys playing 42. When those games are over, everyone gets together and play a game as a group.

This year, the party ended a little earlier than usually because Pete and Jess now have a daughter named Juliette. So we moved the after party to JMill and Jenn's house.

As we made that 1 minute drive down the street, people started to either get their second wind or become very tired. I was one of the guys to decided to act like a 4 year old and call it a night. It was good day, but blue ball just wore the hell out of me. I am pretty sure that if we played that game once a month instead of once a year, we would be in tremendous shape.

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