Sunday, July 12, 2009

July 4th, 2009

I know this post about the 4th of July is a little over a week late, but here it is anyway. For this years 4th of July celebration, we decided to spend it at Lake Granbury for the weekend. Since the 4th fell on a Saturday this year, almost everyone got the 3rd off from work in order to enjoy an awesome 3 day weekend at the lake.

Our friend Matt has a lake house at Lake Granbury and he invited a group us to stay at his place for the weekend. I rode with Paul and we stopped and met up with Katie and Erin at a Kroger in Granbury so we could buy some food and drinks that would last for the weekend. We bought the usual products for any 4th of July celebration. We bought hamburgers, hot dogs, buns,cokes, beer, and ice. Since we decided that we wanted to cook out for every meal we were going to eat, we also bought some eggs and bacon for breakfast made on the grill.

Once we got to the house and put up all of the food, we immediately got trunks and swim suites on and ventured into the unknown, also know as Lake Granbury.

Matt's house has a great wrap around porch and its backyard is about 15 feet away from the lake, where there is a huge 2 level deck. The bottom portion has room to store a boat, 2 jet skies, and a picnic table for 6 people with separate chairs around it. There was also a ladder for people to use when they are getting out of the lake. Once you cross the bridge from Matt's backyard to the first level of the deck, you have to pass a flight of wooden stairs that will take you up to the second level of the deck.

The second level of the deck is where we spent most of the weekend. There was around patio table with 6 chairs that went with it. We hooked up a stereos system with some of the ipods that we brought and jumped from the top of the deck in to the water.

We probably jumped from the deck, which was bout 25 feet above the water, all weekend. I would say that we did that about 80% of the time. When we were first jumping off the deck, there was a little bit of light out. Even though we spent the first portion of the first day just lazing around the lake on inter tubs, nobody wanted to jump off the deck right away because of the boats going by and plus we didn't know how deep it was. Then we collectively said screw it and just started to jump like crazy.

About an hour into our jumping expedition, Austin and Brian showed up. With bourbon in their hands, everyone know that the weekend just got better. After a couple of shots and a quick dinner, Alex showed up and she was ready to go. The funny thing about Alex is that she really wanted to fish during the weekend, so she bought a fishing pole that was designed for deep sea fishing. After 30 minutes of her trying to fish, she caught nothing and gave up.

Completely against Katie's wishes, Paul, Austin, and I decided to swim to middle of the lake where a sandbar had been forming all day. We should have know Katie was right because it was past 1 a.m. and there weren't any lights to let people know we were out there. We decided to swim out there anyway.

When we finally got to the sandbar, the 3 of us were able to stand up with the water only coming as high as our waists. We were also able to walk a pretty far distance with out losing any foot ground at all. We swam back and joining the rest of the group about an hour later and ate some food and quickly retreated to sleep.

Everyone woke up the next morning and quickly repeated all of the events that took place the day before, but this time we added fireworks to the equation.

Since it was the 4th, we shot off some fireworks and watched several firework shows that were going on around different areas of the lake. We also shot off our own fireworks for about an hour but had to stop after Austin blew up an artillery shell less than 5 feet away from us and showering us with debris and fire. Austin then became banned from the fireworks for the rest of the night.

About 4 am came and everyone was tired once again and we called it a night. Of the 9 people that were at the house for the weekend, Paul and I were the only ones who did not get sick or pass out during the whole weekend. Because of this, we are officially awesome. On Saturday, Austin passed out for a good 4 hours,woke up, ate some food, threw up said food, and passed out again for another 3 hours and woke back up around 11 pm.

On Sunday, we woke up at 8 am and watched some of the Wimbledon tennis matches. After a little bit of that, we cleaned up the house and deck and headed back home.

Overall, it was a great weekend full of friends, swimming and diving off the deck, beer, shots, good, boj-its, fireworks, people passing out, late night sandbar swimming, and tennis.

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