Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When Cody comes in town.....

Cody is plotting for his next hunt
....a hooker is going to die!

That is right, the one and only Cody aka CPo came in town the other day and just like a bum, he made a mess in the city of Arlington. Cody has recently been granted some time off of work in Austin and he decided to do a little road trippin. This trip led him and others to Caves.

Caves is a local dive bar that a group of friends and I go to every so often. We enjoy the place because there is good music, cheap drinks, and every time I go there I run into someone I know.

The group, which consisted of Paul, Katie, Boj, Matt, Cody, and myself, were there for a couple of hours. We didn't hit the scene too hard because all of us had work in the morning. But once you are in Caves, you will lose all concept of time. I was the last one to get there, which was only 9, and planned only staying no later than 11. I figured a good two hours with limited drinking would be fine. Or so I thought.

Out of nowhere, 1 a.m. rolled around and everyone was pretty much done for the night. The good thing about this night was that it only cost 10 bucks due to their awesome drink special. The bad thing about this night was the trip to Jack in The Box.

Jack in The Box always sounds good went it is late at night, but you will always regret it in the morning. The next day at work for me was just painful. Let me break it down this way:

Cody in town + late night at Caves + even later trip to Jack in The Box + early train ride to work = horrible day with a remainder of "why did i do that".

Note: No hookers were hurt or killed by Cody during his visit to Arlington....this time!

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