Monday, July 27, 2009

Stephanie and Paul Heiman (Part Dos)

On Saturday, I woke up in a daze from all of the events that had occurred the night before. I got some breakfast with my cousin Dan and visited the rest of the cousins at their jobs. Later on, we had to get ready for the reception.

The reception was held at the Shawnee Civic Center, which could hold a good amount of people. Dirk, another cousin of mine, decided to go to the liquor store and grab a couple of bottles so we can do shots with the rest of the family members in honor of Stephanie and Paul getting married.

After the liquor store run, Dirk and I went to the civic center and met with all of the other family members. The reception was really decked out to the 9s.

When you first walk in the building, you have to go down a flight of stairs to the main floor. And in the middle of the room was a mariachi band. They played some songs for a little bit and even let my 5 year cousin Dominic play with them as well.

Since it was just the reception, people quickly started to drink (or at least my cousins and I did) and eat some food from the world famous (only in the Kansas City area though) Rudy's. Rudy's has been catering every family wedding event that I can remember. It is really good Mexican food and this is one of the reasons why I look forward to my cousins getting married.

About 20 minutes into the reception, the DJ starting to announce the wedding party. I am pretty sure the DJ was 3/4ths retarded because he stumbled over Paul's parents names. Also, he introduced the wedding couple as the Garcia family instead of the Heiman Family. The thing is, this "Corky from Life Goes On" DJ has been the DJ for our family events before, so he should know who is in what family. The good thing about his screw up was that Stephanie and Paul just joked about it and was fine within 10 seconds flat.

The reception was a great time for everyone together and see each other. Although it wasn't your traditional reception (and by that I mean not right after the wedding itself), it was still awesome. There was tons of dancing, food, and alcohol. And if you didn't notice, they happy couple did not do the dollar dance, garter toss, or bouquet toss. And if you didn't notice this, then you must have not been anywhere near my Aunt Linda, mother of the bride, because she sure as hell did notice and she made it vocal.

After the cake was cut and everyone was on their 233rd smoke break, it was time to end the occasion and help clean up. By help clean up, I actually mean drink as much as you can as fast as you can before everything is thrown out or taken away either by a police officer or by someone's mother who made a certain son promise not to get too drunk and embarrass her in front of the family. Thankfully Dirk was not that drunk.

As we were cleaning up, a weird thing occurred outside in the bushes. Everyone heard a rumble and something pop out into the patio/driveway to the lower level of the civic center. One person thought it was just some hobo looking for some leftover food while a small child thought it was the infamous Sasquatch.

But all of us were wrong, dead wrong. The creature from the bushes was in fact Billy Emmerson, Dan Lopez' friend. For some quite time, Billy was M.I.A. from the reception for awhile. Everyone thought he went home, got more drinks, and one elderly person even said he probably met a man and the two of them went off somewhere because Billy did look a little too strange for this particular elderly gentleman. But non of our hypotheses were correct. Apparently Billy just did what he does best. He got super drunk at a super fast speed and passed out in the bushes. This is completely understandable. Honestly, who hasn't ever passed out in the bushes, oh yea, that's right, I haven't, I just steal things.

After we cleaned up, put everything away, and knew for sure that Billy didn't die, it was limo time. I am not really sure who got the limo, but it is much appreciated. All of the parents knew that a group of us were going to hit the bars after the reception and they wanted us to get there and back to what ever house we were going to stay at that night safely. And we did need that limo, because there was way too much alcohol consumption.

We went to Johnny's and closed the place down. Everyone had tons of fun and then retired to Uncle Dan's house. I woke up the next morning in the infamous KU Room that my uncle had built and smelled the sweet sweet smell of biscuits and eggs. After I quickly consumed the breakfast, I immediately felt regret for doing so and went back to bed until I had to catch my flight back home. 3 hours I am up and on the way to the airport. It was a fun weekend and I cant wait to go back, even though i am pretty sure I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol in my system the next day at work.

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