Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stephanie and Paul Heiman (Part 1)

While taking this picture, something tragic occurred to make Uncle Bob and Stephanie look to the left in complete shock and thier faces filled with horror while Aunt Linda just calmly finished her sweet sweet Tecate

On May 28, 2009, my cousin Stephanie went to Mexico (otherwise known as my motherland) and married Paul Heiman.

I have only met Paul a few times, but he seems like a really good guy for Stephanie. The main reason for this entry is to discuss the reception that had occur over the past weekend. And the result of the weekend was pure awesomeness.

The weekend full of debauchery, drinking, and good old family fun.

My mom and I were picked up at the airport by my Uncle Bob (Stephanie's Dad) early in the morning and went straight to my Uncle Dan's house. After a moment or two at Uncle Dan's, Uncle Bob and I quickly escaped to go to a restaurant that was owned by some members of his family. I wish I could remember exactly what part of his family owned the restaurant, but I met too many people that weekend.

Uncle Bob treated me to lunch, which included Modelo Especial of course, and introduced me to his side of the family. I have probably met some of these people before, but it was cool to meet everyone for what it seemed like the first time.

After a great lunch and a couple of rounds of adult beverages, I then went with Uncle Bob to get ready for the BBQ that he was having at his house for some of the family that night. And by getting ready for the BBQ, I mean getting more beer and turning the grill on while Aunt Linda (Uncle Bob's wife/Stephanie's Mom) bought the meat and set up the fixings for the evening.

After an hour or so after talking to the Uncle Bob and Aunt Linda, some of the relatives started to come over. Fun times occurred along with some major belly laughs. I even got to see one of my cousin's softball game. I wont say how bad Donny lost his game but it was a major lost. Oh what the hell, it was 12-0. Apparently they do not believe in the rule where "everyone plays and everyone wins". I got back to the Garcia's house and stayed there for a little bit where everyone parted ways with the exception of Daniel, Stephanie, Dan, and I.

The four of us went to Daniel's in law's, The Westley's, house where there was way too much vodka and redbull. If the economy's currency was based on only vodka and redbull, then the Westley's would be the richest family in all of the world. After this visit, I have no clue where I went. All I know is that I was in a garage full of bicycle parts and hundreds of records.

Just so you know what kind of time frame I have been dealing with and also so you will know how I got into a certain state of mind at the end of the night, here we go:

Arrived in Kansas at 10:40 a.m.; got to Uncle Dan's at 11:20 a.m.; have lunch with Uncle Bob with his side of the family at 11:40 a.m.; drinking begins at 11:41 a.m.; buy refreshments and supplies for the BBQ at 1:30 p.m. (end drinking); hang out and socialize with Uncle Bob, Aunt Linda, and Stephanie at 2 p.m. (drinking resumes); go help Stephanie with errands and visit with Julie at 3 p.m. (drinking ceases); arrive back at the Garcia home at 4 p.m. (drinking once again begins); family arrives for the BBQ 5 p.m.; go to cousin Donny's softball game 7 p.m. (drinking stops); back from Donny's losing softball game/watching kid get stuck and left on fence at 8:30 (drinking is back on, this time with style); stuff gets hazy from here on out (style quickly fades away, but the beverages do not); do not know what time it is, but I am now at Bob and Nancy's (Daniel and Stephanie Westley-Garcia's in-laws); I now know what time it is, it is red bull and vodka time mixed with a dog chase; time completely unknown, all that is around me are old records, bike parts, and johnsonville bratwurst; bed at undetermined time.

Part 2 coming soon

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