Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ben Kweller and The Jones Street Station

Last night, I saw a pretty good show at the Granada that featured the Jones Street Station and Ben Kweller. To be honest, I have never heard of the Jones Street Station, but they did play an awesome show. The band ended with them all standing together at the front of the stage with one guitar barley playing. It was cool because the whole place got creepy quiet since the band refused to use microphones for the last song. Once their set was over, the video screen came down and the roadies were setting up for the feature act of the night.

Ben Kweller came on the stage around 9:30 and played for about an hour. I only know two of his songs and they are "Commerce, TX" and "Wasted and Ready". With my luck, he opened his set with "Commerce, TX". He played some songs with his band and also did songs with just his guitar or piano. The show ended and everyone got out of the Granada pretty quickly because there were so many people in the small club that it smelled it ass and potatoes. If you like ass and potatoes combined, something must be wrong with you because that is one horrific smell and you should be tested. A group of kids went outside to get Ben's autograph.

Now, Ben seems like a bad ass. He took time to speak to everyone that wanted an autograph and took pictures as well. I told him that his dad was my friend's doctor, so he introduced me to his dad. He too is also a bad ass. I talked to him for a little bit where we discussed different bars and the best places to go on a boat. Overall, great time.

Here is a link to Ben Kweller's Wasted and Ready Video.

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