Wednesday, May 6, 2009

ShedFest '09

This year, Paul decided to have a party to celebrate the shed that he got when he and Katie bought their first home. So they called the party "Shed Fest". Now, the history of the "shed" goes way back and it is basically an inside joke that kept on going to be more and more obscene every time we talked about it. The jokes obviously became so bad that I do not even want to post some of the tame stories on this blog.

The fest started 2 in the afternoon, but I, along with Brian(Paul's brother) got to the house around 11 in the morning to help set up the keg and the picnic tents. Of course, we had to set up the stereos for the music that was going to be played all day at on obnoxiously loud level. We also set up a couple of domino tables and an area devoted to horseshoes.

The guest started to show up around 2 in the afternoon and thing were going smooth. I would say that about 30 to 35 people showed up through out the entire event. Everyone brought tons of food and drinks, so you know that it was going to be a great time.

We started to grill the hamburgers, hot dogs, and shrimp around 6, we were going to grill a little later but you could tell that some people need to eat or the demon known as alcohol would take the best of us(which it eventually did anyway).

Around 10 is when stuff started to get really fun. At this time of the night, you could tell that everyone was in their prime. We attempted to play a drunken version of basketball and some dominoes. I am naturally horrible at basketball in the first place, so I figured that the booze could help build up my skills. I was wrong, it made me even worse.

We ended the night with some people in the hot tub until 6 the next morning and the rest of the group passed out in one of the extra rooms that were provided by Paul and Katie. Austin, for some reason unknown, decided to sleep in his car. Overall, it was a great party and hopefully I will put the pictures up on my photo website soon.

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