Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was great this year. It started on Wednesday night with the Clegg's for their annual "Friends Thanksgiving Dinner". Basically at this event, all we do is drink as much wine as we possibly can and then make fun of each other.

After that, I went to Paul's apt for the weekly "Its Wednesday and I have a bottle of Jack so lets drink it" party. That was also a successful party of course.

On the actually Thanksgiving was spent with the family. We headed over to the Roach compound to enjoy a nice dinner and eat like crazy. I can't remember the last time I have eaten so much. The night ended with a game of Blockus and Peurto Rico over at Pete's.

I took it easy on Friday and went to the Stars game. I won two tickets to the game and thought it would be awesome to go, plus the seat were really close to the rink. But we lost. We played the San Jose Sharks and the basically molested the hell out of the Stars that night.

The festivities ended on Saturday with a party over at Pete and Jess' house for their annual "Saturday After Thanksgiving" Party. It was filled with tons of food, dominoes, washers, and way too much alcohol. Overall, it was a hell of a weekend.

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