Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cody and Laura got Married

Cody and Laura:The Happy Couple
Over this past weekend, my friends Cody and Laura got married. I have been to many weddings and I thought this was one of the best weddings that I have ever been to. Defiantly in the top 5 list.

It was a nice, short, outdoor ceremony that took place at Becker's Vineyards. A few of my friends were in the wedding, one of them was Brian who officiated the ceremony. It seemed to be very casual wedding with a limited number of people there.

After the ceremony, the party began. Everyone just cut loose and had an awesome time drinking wine that was supplied for everyone and also the secret stash of booze that quickly became publicly known not only just to the wedding guest, but also to some of the wildlife out there.

After the official reception was over, the after party went into effect. Since everyone was staying at the La Quinta, a group of 20 to 30 took over the "meeting room" of the hotel. This is where the trouble began. Cases upon cases of beer were distributed to everyone along with wine and many types of liquor. For some reason and collectively as a group, we decided that doors are pure retarded and window should be the only way to enter or exit the meeting room. Hotel management thought differently.

Apparently the hotel staff at La Quinta have rules that do not want to broken, even if it is in the middle of the night and you are a part of a large, loud, drunk, and just downright awesome group. Some of those rules are: Do not use the windows to enter/exit rooms, do not use the pool after hours, Katie is not allowed to be racist, do not run in the halls laughing because some got stuck in the window trying to enter/exit a room, do not hang out in the main lobby in tighty-whitey's and ask about the breakfast buffet, clothes are mandatory, and the cleaning lady's cart is not a toy.
The next day, everyone got out of their drunken state to go to the brunch where there was plenty of champagne and food for everyone. The food was gone quickly and there was no telling how many bottles of champagne we went through in that short amount of time.

Overall, it was a great time and I hope Cody and Laura the best in the marriage. Congrats guys!!!

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