Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Simple Podcast Turns to Late Night Debauchery

The Miller Brewery Company apparently likes to sponsor an event called 'Hot Mom Night' To be completely honest, I do not remember all of the details that occurred last night. I might have to "Quentin Tarantino" this story by telling you everything in reverse because that may help tell the story more accurately. All I know is that I woke up the following morning with a splitting headache and a stomach that will seek revenge on sometime during the day.

The night began like any other normal Tuesday night. A group of us went to No Frills Grill for trivia and dinner. This particular night was a special night. Unbeknown to us, The Miller Lite Girls were there trading whatever beer product a customer had for a fresh Miller Product.

This night must have been these two girls first night on the job or they just didn't really care about how they unloaded their product on the mostly male dominated bar, because they just let me take a couple of the beers just for the hell of it. I am proud to say that for a short while, Paul and I drank for free and it was glorious.

Then Matt came in to the scene. He quickly used his dry wit to try and gain access to the free beer and was quickly rejected. We sat and played trivia for a little bit and then headed to do our weekly podcast.

I know that this story sounds stupid right now, but trust me, it does get better.

Paul, Matt, and I had everything ready to do the podcast. We had the mics ready to go, an array of subjects to talk about, and a lot of rum to get us through whatever trials and tribulations we to get through. Now this is where stuff starts to become very hazy for me. Actually, let me clarify, this is the first time of the night where stuff get hazy for me.

After talking for about an hour and a half about random non-sense, we decided that it would a great idea to go to Duke's Roadhouse for Tuesday Night Drinking Extravaganza. When we got there, we automatically got a few bottles of beer from the host and looked for my friend Cristina. We found her and also found a ton of jager shots that needed to be consumed in a hurry. And when we thought we finished those shots, Cristina came back with some more shots. The three of us did not want to be rude, so we accepted the shots.

Paul, Matt, and I became bored of Dukes and devised a plan that consisted of me jumping over a gate with my pockets filled with full beer bottles that Paul had "found" near the bar while Matt was getting the car to pick me up in the alley for a clean getaway.

After several attempts of jumping the gate, I met my associtates in the alley and we where off to see the house Paul and Katie had just purchase as their first home together. Now, from what I understood, there was going to be no one living in the house at this time. I was wrong.

Apparently it is poor taste to check the house that you are about to purcahse at 2 am with two very drunk friends. It also maybe bad that we were yelling alot of the time while I attempted to climb a tree.

Now, I have no clue what happened next. All I know is that we went to another bar, I gained a watch, a bunch of 1 dollar bills, and I had enough Jack in the Box food to last me for about a solid week.

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