Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday

I am proud to say that I have never once participated in any Black Friday event ever in my life. But that all came to a screeching halt once Stephanie introduced me to this epic day of savings.

The first store we went to was Jo Anne's, a hobby and craft store. The line here was insanely long because if you everything was 60% off and if you made your purchase before noon, you would get an additional 25% off your total purchase. You could tell that everyone want to make their purchase before noon and was more than happy to state their feelings in a very public way.
We left the store with Christmas wrapping paper, ribbons, boxes, and tape. We saved a bunch of money too.

The next stop of the Madness Savings Day was Toys R Us. I would like to say that I acted like a gentleman and adult the whole time I was there. Again, I would like to say that. If you put me anywhere near toys, there is a 99% chance that I am going to play with it. Stephanie had to stop me on more than one occasion to tell me to stop playing with the toys. Apparently it is against store policy to take a toy out of its package, play with it, and try to put it back neatly in its original condition. We left this store with a couple of board games that I cant wait to play with.

The next couple of stores we went to were mainly for Stephanie. The expedition consisted of going to get make up (again for Stephanie), shoes, and tools. And then, we went to the mall.

I didn't think the crowds were going to be that bad because we started at 11 am and the majority of the crazy Black Friday Shoppers were already home telling stories of their great deals and near fights they got into over a Tickle Me Elmo toy. I was completely wrong.

Finding a place to park was a chore in itself. I saw a accident occur, tons of cars going after the same spot, and people driving around aimlessly to figure out how to leave the parking lot. Once inside, I could tell that it was a madhouse just a few hours earlier. Clothes were all over the place, coupons and ads were thrown everywhere like confetti, and I was scared.

To be honest, we weren't their that long at all, maybe 45 minutes. Stephanie did shop like a champ though. She found some good deals for some Christmas gifts.

After all of the shopping, it was time for lunch at Pappadeaux's. We got some lobster bisque and alligator tail with some drinks. Now, I am not one for themed drinks. I usually get a beer, liquor, and whatever mixed drink goes with the type of restaurant I am at (like Margaritas at a Mexican restaurant).

The people at Pappadeaux's were offering new fruit drinks. Stephanie had a fruit margarita while I had something along the lines of a very berry rum punch drink. And damn it, it was delicious as hell. We had a couple rounds each with our meal and decided that was enough day drinking since I was taking my awesome almost 2 year old nephew Caleb to the parade and Stephanie was going to visit her friend Karen who came in from Arizona for Thanksgiving.

I am glad Stephanie showed me the ropes of Black Friday and I survived the experience and tell you about it in this mediocre post.

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