Friday, August 19, 2011

Almost Beat The Heat

I hate falling short when it comes to breaking records, especially when it is only by a couple of days.

In 1980, Texas had a heat wave with weather in the triple digits that last for 42 days. We lasted only 40 days in a row until a small cold front and rain came by and screwed everything up. We had two days that were at 99 degrees as a high and quickly went back to triple degree heat.

One thing that bothered me more than nothing beating the current heat record was hearing people say stupid stuff about not beating the heat record.

One phrase that I heard people, mainly guys, say that bothered me for some reason was "man, it is hot as balls today". That phrase bothers me more than that stupid "Steal My Sunshine" song by LEN. I honestly don't know how that retarded song became so popular.

I don't like to say that anything is "hot as balls" because I am not a fan of simile and mainly because the balls specifically hang lower than the rest of the body to technically remain at a cooler temperature. Literally, the balls are the coldest temperature of the body. People should say anything other than "hot as balls" like "hot as the body minus balls", "hot as any other body part", "hot as the balls in the winter when they go back up to be a team player". Winter balls are actually hotter than summer balls. Its a strange mystery, but at least I solved it.

I know that is probably a stupid reason to hate a particular phrase, but it a good reason to reason so I am just going to roll with it.

Anyway, we are expected to have more triple digit heat for a while longer but I don't know if I can handle more of these 100 plus degree weather days.

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