Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Goods with Jeremy Piven

Me with Jeremy Piven at the screening of his new movie I hang out with movie stars. Its what I do now. This is how I start all of my job resumes. I just write down, "Hey, I hang out with movie starts, if you want to hang out with the same people that I do, you better give me the job that I want now".

Actually, I just went to screening of a free movie staring Jeremy Piven from Entourage where he did a q and a after the movie.

"The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard" is probably one of the funniest movies that I have seen this summer. It is about a group of car salesman who car themselves "the car mercenaries" who can sell any car lot and any time.

We got to the theatre extremely early just to ensure not only good seats, but just to get and see the movie.

Jeremy Piven was scheduled to make a red carpet entrance and 6:30 p.m. and the movie was to begin at 7 p.m. sharp. So we should up around 2 p.m. and I am glade that we did because employees of the movie theatre said that people started to get in line at 11 a.m. Now I am a fan of movies and would like to meet the stars of that movie, but I don't think that I could stay all day somewhere just to have a chance to meet someone famous by myself.

While we waited, the theatre management set up the part of the parking lot to resemble a used car lot in order to promote the movie. It also just happened to be Jeremy Piven's birthday, so they made a bday cake for him along with some signs to go along with it.

The event was supposed to start at 6:30 with Piven making a red carpet entrance. He was only about 15 minutes late due to traffic, but he showed up and stood around so people could take pictures and maybe get an autograph from him.

We saw him outside for about 10 minutes when the theatre started to let people into the movie theatre to get seats for the big events. Now, this is not my first rodeo at a movie screening, I have actually been to a couple before where a celebrity is know to do a q and a afterwards. So I knew that I wanted to see sit as close to the middle and to the screen as possible just because that is where the celebrity is gong to be. Its not rocket science, its just common sense.

As people were claiming there seats, a lady named Nancy started to prepare for the q and a since she was going to be moderating tonight's event. She was pretty cool, we talked to her and made ourselves know that we are huge Jeremy Piven Fans. She said that if we cheered for her when she was announced, she would let at least one of us ask a question immediately. And that is what we did.

Both Nancy and Jeremy Piven were announced and the two made a quick intro for the film which you can find at the bottom of this entry (that's what she said). The movie was then quickly started and it was awesome. When the movie ended, Jeremy came back out and did about a 12 minute Q and A with the audience. Boj and I were both able to ask questions and he did a great job at being honest with everything.

Little did people know, Jeremy Piven was not the only celebrity in attendance that night. Tony Romo, quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, was also there along with Miles Austin. Apparently Tony and Jeremy are great friends.

When the Q and A ended, Jeremy signed some autographs and took pictures with people and quickly left. I was stoked because I was able to get both. Overall, it was a great movie and Jeremy Piven was a really nice guy. When some one asked them a question, he would look directly at the person and answer the majority of the question to that person while trying to involve the rest of the audience as well.

Below you will be able to find the introduction to the film:

Thursday Night BBQ

Last Thursday, I attended an impromptu BBQ at Austin's house. The reason for the BBQ was simple: his parents were out of town. I know what you are saying, a BBQ on a school night, these kids are just asking for trouble! And we were.

Austin only invited a couple of people over which consisted of Austin, Paul ,Katie, Nikki and myself. We had mac and cheese, crab log with crackers, beans, bratwurst, and alot of adult beverages.

The weather was very cooperative right up until we started to grill the bratwurst. It wasn't a heavy downpour, just a constant mist that seem to last forever.

When the mist finally ended, it was time to eat. Everyone had a great time, especially Katie. I am pretty sure she finished an entire bottle of wine in no time at all. Granted, she did just get back from a business trip that only lasted a day, but nonetheless, she was plastered.

Overall, good times were had by all.

When Cody comes in town.....

Cody is plotting for his next hunt
....a hooker is going to die!

That is right, the one and only Cody aka CPo came in town the other day and just like a bum, he made a mess in the city of Arlington. Cody has recently been granted some time off of work in Austin and he decided to do a little road trippin. This trip led him and others to Caves.

Caves is a local dive bar that a group of friends and I go to every so often. We enjoy the place because there is good music, cheap drinks, and every time I go there I run into someone I know.

The group, which consisted of Paul, Katie, Boj, Matt, Cody, and myself, were there for a couple of hours. We didn't hit the scene too hard because all of us had work in the morning. But once you are in Caves, you will lose all concept of time. I was the last one to get there, which was only 9, and planned only staying no later than 11. I figured a good two hours with limited drinking would be fine. Or so I thought.

Out of nowhere, 1 a.m. rolled around and everyone was pretty much done for the night. The good thing about this night was that it only cost 10 bucks due to their awesome drink special. The bad thing about this night was the trip to Jack in The Box.

Jack in The Box always sounds good went it is late at night, but you will always regret it in the morning. The next day at work for me was just painful. Let me break it down this way:

Cody in town + late night at Caves + even later trip to Jack in The Box + early train ride to work = horrible day with a remainder of "why did i do that".

Note: No hookers were hurt or killed by Cody during his visit to Arlington....this time!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Stephanie and Paul Heiman (Part Dos)

On Saturday, I woke up in a daze from all of the events that had occurred the night before. I got some breakfast with my cousin Dan and visited the rest of the cousins at their jobs. Later on, we had to get ready for the reception.

The reception was held at the Shawnee Civic Center, which could hold a good amount of people. Dirk, another cousin of mine, decided to go to the liquor store and grab a couple of bottles so we can do shots with the rest of the family members in honor of Stephanie and Paul getting married.

After the liquor store run, Dirk and I went to the civic center and met with all of the other family members. The reception was really decked out to the 9s.

When you first walk in the building, you have to go down a flight of stairs to the main floor. And in the middle of the room was a mariachi band. They played some songs for a little bit and even let my 5 year cousin Dominic play with them as well.

Since it was just the reception, people quickly started to drink (or at least my cousins and I did) and eat some food from the world famous (only in the Kansas City area though) Rudy's. Rudy's has been catering every family wedding event that I can remember. It is really good Mexican food and this is one of the reasons why I look forward to my cousins getting married.

About 20 minutes into the reception, the DJ starting to announce the wedding party. I am pretty sure the DJ was 3/4ths retarded because he stumbled over Paul's parents names. Also, he introduced the wedding couple as the Garcia family instead of the Heiman Family. The thing is, this "Corky from Life Goes On" DJ has been the DJ for our family events before, so he should know who is in what family. The good thing about his screw up was that Stephanie and Paul just joked about it and was fine within 10 seconds flat.

The reception was a great time for everyone together and see each other. Although it wasn't your traditional reception (and by that I mean not right after the wedding itself), it was still awesome. There was tons of dancing, food, and alcohol. And if you didn't notice, they happy couple did not do the dollar dance, garter toss, or bouquet toss. And if you didn't notice this, then you must have not been anywhere near my Aunt Linda, mother of the bride, because she sure as hell did notice and she made it vocal.

After the cake was cut and everyone was on their 233rd smoke break, it was time to end the occasion and help clean up. By help clean up, I actually mean drink as much as you can as fast as you can before everything is thrown out or taken away either by a police officer or by someone's mother who made a certain son promise not to get too drunk and embarrass her in front of the family. Thankfully Dirk was not that drunk.

As we were cleaning up, a weird thing occurred outside in the bushes. Everyone heard a rumble and something pop out into the patio/driveway to the lower level of the civic center. One person thought it was just some hobo looking for some leftover food while a small child thought it was the infamous Sasquatch.

But all of us were wrong, dead wrong. The creature from the bushes was in fact Billy Emmerson, Dan Lopez' friend. For some quite time, Billy was M.I.A. from the reception for awhile. Everyone thought he went home, got more drinks, and one elderly person even said he probably met a man and the two of them went off somewhere because Billy did look a little too strange for this particular elderly gentleman. But non of our hypotheses were correct. Apparently Billy just did what he does best. He got super drunk at a super fast speed and passed out in the bushes. This is completely understandable. Honestly, who hasn't ever passed out in the bushes, oh yea, that's right, I haven't, I just steal things.

After we cleaned up, put everything away, and knew for sure that Billy didn't die, it was limo time. I am not really sure who got the limo, but it is much appreciated. All of the parents knew that a group of us were going to hit the bars after the reception and they wanted us to get there and back to what ever house we were going to stay at that night safely. And we did need that limo, because there was way too much alcohol consumption.

We went to Johnny's and closed the place down. Everyone had tons of fun and then retired to Uncle Dan's house. I woke up the next morning in the infamous KU Room that my uncle had built and smelled the sweet sweet smell of biscuits and eggs. After I quickly consumed the breakfast, I immediately felt regret for doing so and went back to bed until I had to catch my flight back home. 3 hours I am up and on the way to the airport. It was a fun weekend and I cant wait to go back, even though i am pretty sure I was still feeling the effects of the alcohol in my system the next day at work.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stephanie and Paul Heiman (Part 1)

While taking this picture, something tragic occurred to make Uncle Bob and Stephanie look to the left in complete shock and thier faces filled with horror while Aunt Linda just calmly finished her sweet sweet Tecate

On May 28, 2009, my cousin Stephanie went to Mexico (otherwise known as my motherland) and married Paul Heiman.

I have only met Paul a few times, but he seems like a really good guy for Stephanie. The main reason for this entry is to discuss the reception that had occur over the past weekend. And the result of the weekend was pure awesomeness.

The weekend full of debauchery, drinking, and good old family fun.

My mom and I were picked up at the airport by my Uncle Bob (Stephanie's Dad) early in the morning and went straight to my Uncle Dan's house. After a moment or two at Uncle Dan's, Uncle Bob and I quickly escaped to go to a restaurant that was owned by some members of his family. I wish I could remember exactly what part of his family owned the restaurant, but I met too many people that weekend.

Uncle Bob treated me to lunch, which included Modelo Especial of course, and introduced me to his side of the family. I have probably met some of these people before, but it was cool to meet everyone for what it seemed like the first time.

After a great lunch and a couple of rounds of adult beverages, I then went with Uncle Bob to get ready for the BBQ that he was having at his house for some of the family that night. And by getting ready for the BBQ, I mean getting more beer and turning the grill on while Aunt Linda (Uncle Bob's wife/Stephanie's Mom) bought the meat and set up the fixings for the evening.

After an hour or so after talking to the Uncle Bob and Aunt Linda, some of the relatives started to come over. Fun times occurred along with some major belly laughs. I even got to see one of my cousin's softball game. I wont say how bad Donny lost his game but it was a major lost. Oh what the hell, it was 12-0. Apparently they do not believe in the rule where "everyone plays and everyone wins". I got back to the Garcia's house and stayed there for a little bit where everyone parted ways with the exception of Daniel, Stephanie, Dan, and I.

The four of us went to Daniel's in law's, The Westley's, house where there was way too much vodka and redbull. If the economy's currency was based on only vodka and redbull, then the Westley's would be the richest family in all of the world. After this visit, I have no clue where I went. All I know is that I was in a garage full of bicycle parts and hundreds of records.

Just so you know what kind of time frame I have been dealing with and also so you will know how I got into a certain state of mind at the end of the night, here we go:

Arrived in Kansas at 10:40 a.m.; got to Uncle Dan's at 11:20 a.m.; have lunch with Uncle Bob with his side of the family at 11:40 a.m.; drinking begins at 11:41 a.m.; buy refreshments and supplies for the BBQ at 1:30 p.m. (end drinking); hang out and socialize with Uncle Bob, Aunt Linda, and Stephanie at 2 p.m. (drinking resumes); go help Stephanie with errands and visit with Julie at 3 p.m. (drinking ceases); arrive back at the Garcia home at 4 p.m. (drinking once again begins); family arrives for the BBQ 5 p.m.; go to cousin Donny's softball game 7 p.m. (drinking stops); back from Donny's losing softball game/watching kid get stuck and left on fence at 8:30 (drinking is back on, this time with style); stuff gets hazy from here on out (style quickly fades away, but the beverages do not); do not know what time it is, but I am now at Bob and Nancy's (Daniel and Stephanie Westley-Garcia's in-laws); I now know what time it is, it is red bull and vodka time mixed with a dog chase; time completely unknown, all that is around me are old records, bike parts, and johnsonville bratwurst; bed at undetermined time.

Part 2 coming soon

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Dollar Day and Eddie Money

It was "Dollar Day" at the Lonestar Race Track this past Saturday in Grand Prairie. That means that parking, admission, hot dogs, popcorn, sodas, and beer were a dollar all day. Paul, Katie, Austin, and I went to this once a year event early in the day.

I am not much of a gambler and I also do not know how to bet on a horse with all of the information that they are throwing at a person on the the TVs around. Paul had to show me what to do and what to look for in a horse.

I looked over all of the information and put some money on a horse and won big baby. That is right, Kevin became a winner. I won a grand total of 1 dollar and 50 cents. After this huge win of mine, I decided not to gamble anymore because I did not want my luck to run out.

The group of us were there from the 2nd race, which was about 1:30, until the last race at 6 p.m. I came out ahead by a dollar fifty, Austin was down by 22 bucks, and Paul and Katie were up by 11 dollars.

After several extremely hot hours in the sun, we decided to call it a day and head back to Katie and Paul's for some food and something called a cold tub.

The four us bought 100 pounds of ice and filled up P and K's hot tub into a cool paradise away from the heat. Surprisingly, the water stayed extremely cold for the rest of the day. We stayed in there for awhile and made a beer tree with all of the empty beer cans that we had. After we cooked out and dried off from the cool tub, the group of us got ready and went to Billy Bob's to see Eddie Money in concert there.

Eddie Money is probably mostly known for his two songs called "Two Tickets to Paradise" and "Take Me Home Tonight". He was a big time singer in the late 70s and 80s. It turned out to be an awesome show. He played for an hour and a half with everyone in the crowd singing along to every song that he and his band played.

After the show, we hung out with some people that we had meet from the show and just drank and dance with them. Some of the people were from a bachelorette party and the other were just a big group of friends there to hang out and see the show as well.

We left Billy Bob's around 1 and just stayed and P and K's place for the night. If Eddie Money ever comes back in town, I will definitely do my best to see him again.

Psycho Cop Returns....

.... is probably on the best horrible horror movies ever made and it stars Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration.

The Mitch Morgan

The one and only Mitch Morgan shot One thing that was enjoyed almost by everyone during the 4th of July Weekend celebration was the infamous "Mitch Morgan Shot".

When you first looked at this post, you say "what the hell kind of picture is that". Well let me tell you my friends, that is the one and only Mitch Morgan shot.

Basically, a Mitch Morgan shot is a cocktail that consists of a shot of bourbon whiskey served with a piece of fried bacon. The bacon is a cocktail garnish and is eaten as a "chaser".

I can not even give you an educated guess of how many Mitch Morgan shots were taken during the course of the weekend. What I do know is that there were 3 packs of bacon with 48 pieces of bacon in each of those packs and there were all gone by Sunday. We did use some of the bacon for the breakfasts we had, but I am pretty sure that the majority was used for the shots.

Who ever invented this shot is probably some obese person and wanted to combined their two loves of heart disease and alcoholism together in order to make the perfect shot for anyone who wanted to decrease their life span.

The crazy thing is that I could not be mad at this person because it is in fact one hell of a tasty shot.

July 4th, 2009

I know this post about the 4th of July is a little over a week late, but here it is anyway. For this years 4th of July celebration, we decided to spend it at Lake Granbury for the weekend. Since the 4th fell on a Saturday this year, almost everyone got the 3rd off from work in order to enjoy an awesome 3 day weekend at the lake.

Our friend Matt has a lake house at Lake Granbury and he invited a group us to stay at his place for the weekend. I rode with Paul and we stopped and met up with Katie and Erin at a Kroger in Granbury so we could buy some food and drinks that would last for the weekend. We bought the usual products for any 4th of July celebration. We bought hamburgers, hot dogs, buns,cokes, beer, and ice. Since we decided that we wanted to cook out for every meal we were going to eat, we also bought some eggs and bacon for breakfast made on the grill.

Once we got to the house and put up all of the food, we immediately got trunks and swim suites on and ventured into the unknown, also know as Lake Granbury.

Matt's house has a great wrap around porch and its backyard is about 15 feet away from the lake, where there is a huge 2 level deck. The bottom portion has room to store a boat, 2 jet skies, and a picnic table for 6 people with separate chairs around it. There was also a ladder for people to use when they are getting out of the lake. Once you cross the bridge from Matt's backyard to the first level of the deck, you have to pass a flight of wooden stairs that will take you up to the second level of the deck.

The second level of the deck is where we spent most of the weekend. There was around patio table with 6 chairs that went with it. We hooked up a stereos system with some of the ipods that we brought and jumped from the top of the deck in to the water.

We probably jumped from the deck, which was bout 25 feet above the water, all weekend. I would say that we did that about 80% of the time. When we were first jumping off the deck, there was a little bit of light out. Even though we spent the first portion of the first day just lazing around the lake on inter tubs, nobody wanted to jump off the deck right away because of the boats going by and plus we didn't know how deep it was. Then we collectively said screw it and just started to jump like crazy.

About an hour into our jumping expedition, Austin and Brian showed up. With bourbon in their hands, everyone know that the weekend just got better. After a couple of shots and a quick dinner, Alex showed up and she was ready to go. The funny thing about Alex is that she really wanted to fish during the weekend, so she bought a fishing pole that was designed for deep sea fishing. After 30 minutes of her trying to fish, she caught nothing and gave up.

Completely against Katie's wishes, Paul, Austin, and I decided to swim to middle of the lake where a sandbar had been forming all day. We should have know Katie was right because it was past 1 a.m. and there weren't any lights to let people know we were out there. We decided to swim out there anyway.

When we finally got to the sandbar, the 3 of us were able to stand up with the water only coming as high as our waists. We were also able to walk a pretty far distance with out losing any foot ground at all. We swam back and joining the rest of the group about an hour later and ate some food and quickly retreated to sleep.

Everyone woke up the next morning and quickly repeated all of the events that took place the day before, but this time we added fireworks to the equation.

Since it was the 4th, we shot off some fireworks and watched several firework shows that were going on around different areas of the lake. We also shot off our own fireworks for about an hour but had to stop after Austin blew up an artillery shell less than 5 feet away from us and showering us with debris and fire. Austin then became banned from the fireworks for the rest of the night.

About 4 am came and everyone was tired once again and we called it a night. Of the 9 people that were at the house for the weekend, Paul and I were the only ones who did not get sick or pass out during the whole weekend. Because of this, we are officially awesome. On Saturday, Austin passed out for a good 4 hours,woke up, ate some food, threw up said food, and passed out again for another 3 hours and woke back up around 11 pm.

On Sunday, we woke up at 8 am and watched some of the Wimbledon tennis matches. After a little bit of that, we cleaned up the house and deck and headed back home.

Overall, it was a great weekend full of friends, swimming and diving off the deck, beer, shots, good, boj-its, fireworks, people passing out, late night sandbar swimming, and tennis.