Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wedding Season has Officially Started

We are only 11 days into 2012 and the wedding season has officially started for me and wont end until later this year.

The first wedding I attended was for a fraternity friend during the first weekend of the year in Amarillo, Texas (aka Satan's Taint). It was the longest six hour drive I have done mainly because when you look out the window, there is absolutely nothing to look at. Just a vast view of isolation and destitute. If you were lucky, you got to drive through an old racist town that had at least 2 working gas pumps and a non drive thru Arby's restaurant (which is the official restaurant of Satan's Taint).

The wedding itself was quick and painless, minus a couple of over reactions from the groomzilla and a choreographed dance in a middle of a speech.

The main sources of entertainment for this wedding was the prank war that was started with my room, which consisted of Colin, Trl, and myself, versus Frank. We stole his left dress shoe, all of the toilet paper in his room, put every piece of furniture on his bed, and gave him a 5 am wake up call. He just put a do not disturb sign on our door.

The other source of entertainment we had was a life sized stuffed Spiderman doll we brought with us and a trip to Cadillac Ranch where anyone can spray paint 10 1940 Cadillacs that are buried half way into the ground. It sounds stupid, be it was pretty cool to see.

My second wedding of the year will be during the second weekend of January for my friends John Michael Betik and Laura Driggers in Dripping Springs, Texas. I am actually very excited about this wedding because I always a great time at a Betik Wedding.

I looked at my calendar and I have either a wedding or a bachelor party to attend every month from January to October. I am in several of the weddings and will try to attend all of the parties and weddings which means I have to start saving for everything starting now because it will be expensive to pay for all of the hotel rooms, booze, gifts, and probably some bail money for the bachelor parties.

To keep up the excitement from the same wedding routine that I will follow almost every month, I will change my persona for some of the weddings that I will be attending. At one wedding, I may act like I am from Vermont with an emerging maple syrup conglomerate since I happen to know everything there is to know about maple syrup! I love maple syrup. I love maple syrup on pancakes. I love it on pizza. And I take maple syrup and put a little bit in my hair when I've had a rough week. What do you think holds up my hair and keeps it so slick.

I don't know what I will do at the other weddings, but I am sure that I can think of something.

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