Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Office Etiquette and Pet Peeves

I have worked in a office setting since I graduated from high school and I know some basic office etiquette rules that must be followed on a daily basis in order not to cause any fights or tense moments with co workers. One of my co workers, on the other hand, does not know any of these rules.

On Thursday, December 29, our department was informed that there was a good chance that we would get to leave early the next day for New Years Eve. According to our company policy, we can only shut down on major holidays which meant that someone had to stay until 5. Since there were only 3 of us on Friday, I figured it wouldn't be that hard to come to an agreement on who would stay. I, of course, was completely wrong.

The three of us that had to work on Friday were Alma, Melissa, and myself. Since Melissa was taking Monday and Tuesday off in order to have a 4 day weekend for her birthday that was on Monday, Alma and I thought it would be fair for us to leave early on Friday. We came to this conclusion since Alma wanted to spend as much time her son as possible before he went back to the Army and I only had a regular two day weekend. This decision was not acceptable to Melissa at all.

Apparently, Melissa is one of those people who believe that she needs an entire weekend to celebrate her birthday. And not just a regular weekend, but she requires to extend it with 2 additional days. She is also the type of person that if she doesn't get her way, she will bitch and moan about it until she does.

After 20 minutes of explaining to her why it was fair for her to stay until 5, which is just an extra 30 minutes than what she usually she stays anyway, she agreed on the condition that we buy her a foot long from Subway. The three of us agreed on the conditions and shook on it and made it official.

Five minutes later, Melissa is in Alma's office complaining that she feels that she was pressured into staying an extra 30 minutes and wanted to go back on the deal that she just made. For 10 minutes I had to hear Melissa complain on how she wanted to leave early and go home to watch soap operas instead of work. This is the first time that I have ever heard of a girl about to turn 30 who would rather watch soap operas than do something productive or at least entertaining with extra time off of work.

Several long, excruciating minutes later, the three of us reached a new agreement. Melissa would still get a foot long Subway sandwich and she would now come in 30 minutes later than scheduled so she would not have to work any overtime.

At this point, Melissa was ecstatic and happy over the new deal because her friends will get off of work the same time and she could just meet them right after work instead of having nothing to do for a couple of hours. I thought that would be the end of it since everyone was happy. Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention, we did not know if we were even going to be allowed to leave early or not on Friday.

The next morning, I woke up to the following bull shit text message on my phone from Melissa:

"I got ZERO sleep last night, I want u both to know how hurt I am by the
both of u. Alma, its up 2 u if u work or not on your bday...I choose not 2 work
on mine. The ONLY big holiday that I care about and is "mine" is New
Years...b-days may not b important 2 u guys, but it always has been & always
will b a big deal 2 me.

At least 1 of u could have said, listen we
were talking, & since it's ur bday, 1 of us will stay & u can go. Thank
u both for ruining my weekend, my new years & my 30th birthday."

At first, I started to laugh because I thought that this text message could be not serious at all. But then I reread the text and became annoyed as hell. One of my pet peeves is when people shorten words by only using a letter or a number. Instead of writing "birthdays may not be important to you guys, but it always has been and always will be bid deal to me" she wrote "b-days may not b important 2 u guys, but it always has been & always will b a big deal 2 me. "

If you cant actually spell out a word and tell me something, then I am not going to take it seriously, especially if it involves something stupid like the message above. I don't like to have a conversation and talk like an infant. I can understand if that Friday was her actual birthday, but it wasn't. It was on January 2 and that extra 30 minutes she stayed had no effect on her important "holiday" anyway.

When I came to work on Friday, she acted like everything was ok until 3 pm and Alma and I got to leave early. She started to complain again and acted like a 4 year old girl who didn't get her way.

On a side note, I had one hell of a good New Years this year and cant wait to see what 2012 has in store.

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