Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Power Of Ties

I use to think that ties were the bane of my existence, now I have a sneaky feeling that they may not be that bad at all.

For the first two and a half years at my current job, I never wore a tie. I hated ties. They always got in the way, they were uncomfortable, and they always posed as a chocking hazard when I took my mid afternoon naps. Trust me, you never want to interrupt me during one of my naps Those may have been the best tie-free two and a half years of my professional career. Or so I thought.

A few weeks ago, I had a meeting with one my VPs at work and I wore a tie in order to give a good professional impression. As we discussed my career path and growth within the company, he said it would be a good idea to always wear a tie to work from now on. In other words, he told me to wear a tie everyday in a friendly, polite manner.

Ever since that day, I have been wearing a tie to work. The most intriguing part of the new clothing accessory are the reactions that people give me. Some people thought I received a promotion, while others thought I had an important meeting, or they would say things to me like this little gem:

"That's a remarkably idiotic thing that you just said but you know, the fact that you're wearing a tie, I perceive it as a little less idiotic than I normally would."

I now know that I have finally started to climb that corporate ladder to success. My parents are finally proud of me.

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