Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Musically Challenged Friend Fund

You have never seen a place like this have you? But everyday, people like my Musically Challenged Friend will go to mp3 sites to find non pussy rock music like Marilyn Manson, The Ramones, Stevie Wonder, and anything that doesn't resemble Coldplay. MCF does this hoping not to get sucked into shitty 3 day music festivals with dancing, shoeless hippies.

But when you look out here, you could think "What do I have in common with Musically Challenged Friend with a strong distaste for pussy rock, MCF is not like me at all?" You couldn't be more wrong. Like you, MCF knows what real pussy rock is, which festivals are actually worth going to, and like you, kind of always wanted to go to a festival. But MCF doesn't know what good music taste is like, because MCF never had one.

How would you like to give Musically Challenged Friend a break. Go to the phone and call Children's Musically Challenged Friend Fund. Give one Musically Challenged Friend a break.

Your 80 cents a day means that Musically Challenged Friend can pay for decent songs that don't suck, which means she might be cured from diseases that will allow MCF to be tolerant of different types of music. And doctors can administer these cures with a shot of Blink 182 or a Arcade Fire pill.

More than 30,000 kids were bored to death because of non tolerance of different types of music. Call Children's Musically Challenged Friend Fund and we will send you a picture of a child like Musically Challenged Friend. We will tell you what recent festival she went to, a little about her music taste and how they improved. There is no obligation, but in your life, if anyone has ever given you a break when you needed one, then call Children's Musically Challenged Friend Fund and give it back to a musical festival-less, non tolerant pussy rock person.

For only 80 cents a day, call now. Children's Musically Challenged Friend Fund is America's oldest and most trusted Tolerance for Music Children's Musically Challenged Friend Charity because so much of you money goes right where it belongs: sending that certain Musically Challenged Friend to a 3 day music festival where they belong.

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