Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wedding Invitee and Crasher

Right after The Original Mud, I had to go home and immediately get ready for a co-worker's wedding that I had at 4:30 in Dallas.

I was in a time crunch and had to hurry as fast as I could. When I arrived, people could tell that I was tired and beyond sun burnt from the obstacle course I just completed about an hour earlier. One girl even asked if I had already been drinking because I was too quiet.

The wedding ceremony only lasted about 15 or 20 minutes and then it was off to the reception. I could only stay for a little bit because, other than being extremely tired, my cousin Candace was in town for a wedding and I was going to crash that reception and take full advantage of the open bar that she had at the reception she was attending.

After about an hour or so at my co-worker's wedding reception, it was time to hit up a reception that included an open bar. The great thing about this was that the reception that I was not even invited too was only 20 minutes down the street from the reception I was currently at. By the time I got to the uninvited wedding event, the reception was in full party mode.

Everyone was dancing, having drinks, and eating some food. I meet with Candace and joined her and her boyfriend at the table they were at. With me being me, I was quickly meeting a ton of people and dancing with two types of ladies. Of course, they were the grandmas and single girls my age.

A couple of people actually said that I looked pretty good at dancing with the ladies of various ages. One grandpa type of guy actually complemented me for dancing with his wife because, and I quote, "There was no way I was stop drinking to dance with her".

As quickly as the night started, it ended just as quickly. The hours flew past and it was time to go. But first I had to make a quick trip to Deep Ellum for a party that a couple of friends of mine were having.

I brought Candace and her boyfriend to it also. I don't think we stayed there too long because I was too tired from all of the activities I had done earlier in the day. It was now officially time for me to go home and try to recover from the healthy and lenghty run I completed and all of the partying that I had done.

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