Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rangers Game in a Sweet Suite

On Saturday, April 23rd, a group of 28 friends and myself ventured to the Rangers vs. Royals Baseball game at the Ballpark in Arlington to watch the game from an office suite.

I won the suite in an auction that took place in early February and it was finally time to go to the game. Now, I have never got a chance to see the suite, so I really had no clue what I was betting on. Let me tell you , that this suite beat all of my expectations.

When I first walked in, it seemed like a board room at first. There was a huge table with 6 chairs in the middle of the room. Along the walls were tons of autographed baseball memorabilia and to the left of the entrance was a refrigerator fully stocked with beer. Oh, and I can not forget to mention that there were several 5 pounds bags of peanuts and tons of cracker jack boxes for everyone.

With 28 people in attendance, a fully stocked fridge was awesome. It was filled with 3 types of beer, wine, soda, water, and the freezer had some liquor in it too. Because of this, people immediately went in to full party mood.

The game started at 7:05, but a small group meet in the parking lot to tailgate with other fans until 6:30 where everyone met at the suite. Everyone basically had to same reaction which was, "Damn, this is going to be one awesome night".

Throughout the game, everyone either hung out on the balcony that faced center field or relaxed in the office area with two big screens which still had a wonderful view of the field. The cool thing was that the fireworks would go off right above us as well.

One thing that we learned from this experience is that you do not need a ticket to get into the stadium, all you have to do is say a certain phrase or password and they let you in for free. In case your are wondering, they change the password everyday, but ours was "Harry Truman". And since we knew the password, we loaded up on cheap hot dogs, nachos, and pretzels.

The game ended around 10:30 and the Rangers proved to be victorious of the Royals. The good thing about being in the office suite is that you don't have to leave when the game is over. About half of the group stayed until 1 in the morning. The only reason we left is because we were the last room the cleaning crew had to clean and couldn't leave until we did.

So, after a great night at the stadium, everyone parted ways and went home. I had to go home and get some sleep because I had to be up early and go to church for Easter Mass with the parentals that I knew I was going to regret. It was worth it because it was one hell of a night.

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