Monday, April 18, 2011

Warrior Dash and Pre-Celebration Events

For the second week in a row, I will be competing in a obstacle filled run that will surely make me regret that I had ever decided to participate in this run. But before I could do the run, there were some other events that I had to attend beforehand.

My friends Cayce and Chris decided to throw a "Fun Brunch" at 10:30 in la manana at their apartment. It was my first time attending this event that they have quite often, but the food was great.

Cayce made french toast on top of peach cobbler, sausage, eggs, bacon, scones, muffins, some sort of onion dish, and fresh pasta. Her boyfriend Chris had the important job of making all of the drinks such as Bloody Marys, Screwdrivers, Mimosas, Poinsettias, and others just to name a few for the 9 people that came.

During and after the brunch, we all played trivia pursuit via DVD and watch different versions of Rebeca Black's infamous song "Friday". After the girls won the trivia pursuit game, it was time to clean up and head down the street to Rahr's Brewery for their weekly brewery tour and free beer, which started at 1.

At the Rahr's Brewery tour, you can buy a glass for $7 and have 3 free beers per person. The place is usually packed but for some reason it wasn't that bad at all. Meredith, Colin and I stayed until 3 and then we had to leave so we could participate in the Warrior Dash.

The Warrior Dash is a mud crawling, fire leaping, extreme run from hell. This fierce running series is held on the most challenging and rugged terrain across the globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits and celebrate with kick ass music, beer, and warrior helmets.Not really, but that is how the people in charge of Warrior Dash described it.

The Warrior Dash was basically the exact same thing as the Mud Run except you got to jump over fire, get a medal, and have one free beer at the end instead of two. Another big difference was that it was only 3.7 miles long instead of 6 miles.

It took me a little over an hour to finish the race and I was completely tired at the end of it, mainly because of the brunch and the brewery tour I did beforehand.

When I was done with the race, I had to get hosed off by the fire department because I was covered in mud from head to toe. My shoes and socks were ruined, but the rest of my clothing seemed to be in good shape.

At the end, I grabbed my free beer, changed into some clean dry clothes and headed home. I don't know if I would do the race again because I am always completely drained every time, so I just may watch it and try to steal a beer or two.

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