Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rangers Game in a Sweet Suite

On Saturday, April 23rd, a group of 28 friends and myself ventured to the Rangers vs. Royals Baseball game at the Ballpark in Arlington to watch the game from an office suite.

I won the suite in an auction that took place in early February and it was finally time to go to the game. Now, I have never got a chance to see the suite, so I really had no clue what I was betting on. Let me tell you , that this suite beat all of my expectations.

When I first walked in, it seemed like a board room at first. There was a huge table with 6 chairs in the middle of the room. Along the walls were tons of autographed baseball memorabilia and to the left of the entrance was a refrigerator fully stocked with beer. Oh, and I can not forget to mention that there were several 5 pounds bags of peanuts and tons of cracker jack boxes for everyone.

With 28 people in attendance, a fully stocked fridge was awesome. It was filled with 3 types of beer, wine, soda, water, and the freezer had some liquor in it too. Because of this, people immediately went in to full party mood.

The game started at 7:05, but a small group meet in the parking lot to tailgate with other fans until 6:30 where everyone met at the suite. Everyone basically had to same reaction which was, "Damn, this is going to be one awesome night".

Throughout the game, everyone either hung out on the balcony that faced center field or relaxed in the office area with two big screens which still had a wonderful view of the field. The cool thing was that the fireworks would go off right above us as well.

One thing that we learned from this experience is that you do not need a ticket to get into the stadium, all you have to do is say a certain phrase or password and they let you in for free. In case your are wondering, they change the password everyday, but ours was "Harry Truman". And since we knew the password, we loaded up on cheap hot dogs, nachos, and pretzels.

The game ended around 10:30 and the Rangers proved to be victorious of the Royals. The good thing about being in the office suite is that you don't have to leave when the game is over. About half of the group stayed until 1 in the morning. The only reason we left is because we were the last room the cleaning crew had to clean and couldn't leave until we did.

So, after a great night at the stadium, everyone parted ways and went home. I had to go home and get some sleep because I had to be up early and go to church for Easter Mass with the parentals that I knew I was going to regret. It was worth it because it was one hell of a night.

RIP Jeep (2001 - 2011)

The day has finally come when my Jeep Grand Cherokee died.After 10 years of driving, Jeepy decided to commit auto suicide and by slowly killing himself with random and often auto repairs.

Jeepy has been through many cross country road trips to Kansas City and Austin. Heard tales of bachelor parties, crazy bar nights, and the occasional WTF Night.

Oh, and in case you are wondering, No, that is not my car to the right. Jeepy was demoted to the Minor League also known as Car Max. Hopefully Jeepy will make some else happy like he did me.

Its so hard to say goodbye to yesterday. It took awhile, but I finally realized what Boys II Men were singing about.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Warrior Dash and Pre-Celebration Events

For the second week in a row, I will be competing in a obstacle filled run that will surely make me regret that I had ever decided to participate in this run. But before I could do the run, there were some other events that I had to attend beforehand.

My friends Cayce and Chris decided to throw a "Fun Brunch" at 10:30 in la manana at their apartment. It was my first time attending this event that they have quite often, but the food was great.

Cayce made french toast on top of peach cobbler, sausage, eggs, bacon, scones, muffins, some sort of onion dish, and fresh pasta. Her boyfriend Chris had the important job of making all of the drinks such as Bloody Marys, Screwdrivers, Mimosas, Poinsettias, and others just to name a few for the 9 people that came.

During and after the brunch, we all played trivia pursuit via DVD and watch different versions of Rebeca Black's infamous song "Friday". After the girls won the trivia pursuit game, it was time to clean up and head down the street to Rahr's Brewery for their weekly brewery tour and free beer, which started at 1.

At the Rahr's Brewery tour, you can buy a glass for $7 and have 3 free beers per person. The place is usually packed but for some reason it wasn't that bad at all. Meredith, Colin and I stayed until 3 and then we had to leave so we could participate in the Warrior Dash.

The Warrior Dash is a mud crawling, fire leaping, extreme run from hell. This fierce running series is held on the most challenging and rugged terrain across the globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits and celebrate with kick ass music, beer, and warrior helmets.Not really, but that is how the people in charge of Warrior Dash described it.

The Warrior Dash was basically the exact same thing as the Mud Run except you got to jump over fire, get a medal, and have one free beer at the end instead of two. Another big difference was that it was only 3.7 miles long instead of 6 miles.

It took me a little over an hour to finish the race and I was completely tired at the end of it, mainly because of the brunch and the brewery tour I did beforehand.

When I was done with the race, I had to get hosed off by the fire department because I was covered in mud from head to toe. My shoes and socks were ruined, but the rest of my clothing seemed to be in good shape.

At the end, I grabbed my free beer, changed into some clean dry clothes and headed home. I don't know if I would do the race again because I am always completely drained every time, so I just may watch it and try to steal a beer or two.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wedding Invitee and Crasher

Right after The Original Mud, I had to go home and immediately get ready for a co-worker's wedding that I had at 4:30 in Dallas.

I was in a time crunch and had to hurry as fast as I could. When I arrived, people could tell that I was tired and beyond sun burnt from the obstacle course I just completed about an hour earlier. One girl even asked if I had already been drinking because I was too quiet.

The wedding ceremony only lasted about 15 or 20 minutes and then it was off to the reception. I could only stay for a little bit because, other than being extremely tired, my cousin Candace was in town for a wedding and I was going to crash that reception and take full advantage of the open bar that she had at the reception she was attending.

After about an hour or so at my co-worker's wedding reception, it was time to hit up a reception that included an open bar. The great thing about this was that the reception that I was not even invited too was only 20 minutes down the street from the reception I was currently at. By the time I got to the uninvited wedding event, the reception was in full party mode.

Everyone was dancing, having drinks, and eating some food. I meet with Candace and joined her and her boyfriend at the table they were at. With me being me, I was quickly meeting a ton of people and dancing with two types of ladies. Of course, they were the grandmas and single girls my age.

A couple of people actually said that I looked pretty good at dancing with the ladies of various ages. One grandpa type of guy actually complemented me for dancing with his wife because, and I quote, "There was no way I was stop drinking to dance with her".

As quickly as the night started, it ended just as quickly. The hours flew past and it was time to go. But first I had to make a quick trip to Deep Ellum for a party that a couple of friends of mine were having.

I brought Candace and her boyfriend to it also. I don't think we stayed there too long because I was too tired from all of the activities I had done earlier in the day. It was now officially time for me to go home and try to recover from the healthy and lenghty run I completed and all of the partying that I had done.

The Original Mud Run 2011

What is The Original Mud Run? Well, its six miles, 30 tricked out obstacles, a fantastic course and a bumping after party is what makes The Original Mud Run the dirtiest event of the year. That is the official description of the Original Mud Run that I took from there website. I like to call this particular event "Muddy Hell With A Dose of Awesomeness".

The Original Mud Run is a charity event that supports the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. A group of 7 of us made a team and participated in the event. There were about a couple of thousand people or more who participated in the event just on Saturday.

The Mud Run had races start every hour starting at 8 am until 4 in the afternoon. We signed up for the 11 am race because we knew that there would be no way in hell that we were going to get up super early and do a race at 8 in the morning.

Right from the start, we had to run a quarter mile and then run down hill into the Trinity River, circle around some pillars, and then run back up the hill and run another quarter mile to the next obstacle course.

As the race went on and on, the obstacles became harder and closer together. Here are the obstacles that I had to complete in order to finish the race:

  1. Balance Beam

  2. Once Unders

  3. Stairway To Heaven

  4. Hanging Log Walk

  5. Over and Unders

  6. Leap of Faith

  7. Pots

  8. Levy-ity

  9. Quigley

  10. Log Walk

  11. River Crossing

  12. Mine Field

  13. Run Forest Run

  14. Mud Pit

  15. Slip-N-Slide

  16. The Bog

  17. The English Channel

  18. The Hurdles

  19. The Low Crawl

  20. The Moguls

  21. The Rope Bridge

  22. The Wall

  23. Tire Crawl

  24. Tunnels

  25. Web of Lies

  26. Window to the World

  27. Rope Swing

  28. Tire Mountain

  29. Hole to Hades

  30. Gorilla Ropes
Out of the 1,375 that completed the race of Saturday, I placed 502. Not too bad for someone who isn't a hardcore athletic person. You can can see the full results here.

When out group completely finished the race, we got out 2 free beers, and BBQ sandwhich, and enjoyed the band that was playing. There was also a fire truck that was used to hose people down and get the majority of the mud off of the competitors. I tried to get all of the mud off of me but I still had to get hosed down again when I got home.

I left around 3 sun burnt, tired, and hungry from the race, but I had to get home as soon as I could because I had to go to a wedding for a co-worker at 4:30. The next Mud Run isn't until the Fall but I do have another run that I am doing called the Warrior Dash. I better survive that one because it does include running through fire and climbing 30 foot high cargo nets without any safety wires.