Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowpocalypse 2011

Almost a year ago to the date, another huge snow storm has come through Texas. Instead of ripping the roofs of local breweries and uprooting trees. Instead, the weather is going to f**k up everything in sight since the Super Bowl is here.

The weather has just been plain bi-polar lately. For a couple of days it was great weather. It was 80 degrees, people were in shorts, everyone driving with the windows down, and not a runny nose in sight. That was the weekend.

Move a couple of days ahead to Monday night and boom. The weather changed and it started to sleet pretty damn hard in the middle of the night. So hard in fact that the temperature quickly dropped to 12 degrees with a wind chill of 8 degrees. Texas hardly sees weather like this.

And since Texas hardly gets a chance to see weather like this, people have no clue on how to drive. I cant tell you how many wrecks there were on Tuesday morning. A couple of highways had to be shut down because of reckless driving. There was one area where 20 18-wheelers jack knifed in the same area.

I couldn't go to work on Tuesday due to the weather and I was getting a bad case of cabin fever since I couldn't leave the house at all. The cabin fever reached in all time high when I wanted to dust everything in sight in the house just to pass the time. I ended up not doing that at all. What I ended up doing was watching Toy Story 3 and having some champagne. I thought it was a damn good way to spend my unexpected day off.

The weather is supposed to get alright on Thursday and then we should be blasted with more sleet and snow. I hope that isn't the case because I am supposed to see the ESPN stage in Downtown Fort Worth on Friday.

I will give an update later on to see if the City of Arlington has survived this ordeal or if we had to resort to cannibalism.

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