Monday, February 21, 2011

Epic Bike Ride

During my weekend trip to Austin, I brought my mountain bike with me so I could do a small bike ride. Just to let you know, I am not that much of a mountain biker, let alone any type of biker at all.

Jenny, Darby, and I decided that it would be best to go biking after a night of drinking at a concert and an early morning breakfast at a local breakfast taco establishment called Torchy's Tacos. I chose to order the Trailer Park Breakfast Burrito which consisted of Fried chicken, green chilies, lettuce, pico de gallo and cheese on a flour tortilla with POBLANO SAUCE. "Get it Trashy" - take off the lettuce and add a ton of queso. And let me tell you, that was one damn good breakfast burrito.

When we returned to the Venza Manor, we quickly go ready for the bike ride. Since I didn't know the area very well, Darby did his best to try and describe it to me. To be honest, I started to laugh when on the inside when he said that "when we pass the canal, we have to carry the bikes over the train tracks in order to get to the woods". I knew it was going to be awesome, when as we were passing the canal, we also passed a backyard full of free range chickens to seemed to control that particular backyard.

Darby was right about carrying the bikes over the train tracks. There was no way that anyone could do that and not get out of the way of a oncoming train. While cross the train, the movie "Stand By Me" kept on popping up in my heard for some reason. I guess I really wanted to discover a dead body in the woods, point a gun at a douchbag bully, and then never tell anyone about it.

As we made it over the trains,the woods didn't appear to be that difficult. At first it seemed pretty easy, but then I quickly realized that the woods of Austin really likes to mess with people by putting booby traps all over the damn place. Hidden jagged rocks coming from the ground, low hanging tree limbs with invisible spiderwebs, dog shit, and vines were just some of the Wood's secret fun to hurt bikers.

There was only one thing that could be more scary than the Woods of Austin and that are the hills of Austin. When riding a bike, it seems like all of the hills go up and up and up. I am pretty sure I rode the bike downhill 2 or 3 times but rode it uphill about 70 times.

After about 40 minutes of biking, we finally made it to our destination, which was the Powell Residence. We went over especially to see Cody and Laura's newborn son August Gray Maxwell Powell. August is a cool baby who loves to fall asleep while listening to a babbling brook and watching Manchester United win a game or two.

After about 40 minutes of hanging out with the Powells. It was time again to get on the bikes and ride our way back to Casa de Venza. We took the same route with 1 exception. Since it was a nice day and we knew they trail, we decided to bike to a bar and grab a drink from one of the local watering holes. I don't know about you, but after doing some exercising outdoors, nothing is better than having a Shiner Beer to enjoy the day. And I am not being sarcastic at all, it was really enjoyable.

After another 40 minute bike ride. We finally made it back to the house and were ready to relax before a group of us met up for dinner at an awesome Mexican Restaurant with Avocado Margaritas, which were beyond amazing.

Here is a map of our trek to the Powell's house and a map of a different route that we took to get back to the Venza's house, which included a stop at a local bar of course.

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