Monday, January 31, 2011

Rich Dude

This is a true story. I am not making this up. I have seen things like this before in movies but never in real life. OK, here it goes.

A group of 12 of us went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar for a birthday party around 9. A couple of hours later, a drunk guy and his date, who were both in their mid to late 30s, stumbled in to bar and grabbed a seat next to one of our tables.

The man, who was beyond drunk when he walked in, grabbed a wad of cash that arranged from $5 to $50 and gave it to the female pianist. He mumbled a couple of what appeared to be English sentences to the lady and she said OK. Apparently, he made a deal with her to let him play the drums and she and the male pianist play for the crowd.

The drunk douchbag sucked at playing the drums. He had no clue how to play them and he was not only embarrassing himself, he was also ruining the show. After couple of minutes of looking like a dick on the drum set, the guy stumbles to a microphone and begins to talk gibberish for a couple of minutes and the crowd begins to boo him and tell him to get off the stage. Then something happened. Something that I have only seen in movies. The drunk guy then said something to the entire bar, which probably contained about 200 people, and everyone cheered. Those magical words were "I'm buying the entire bar a shot".

The crowd started to cheer for him and gladly approved of this situation. His waitress, who happened to be our waitress too, walked up to him with the manager to make sure that he was serious about buying everyone a shot. He said "hell yes" and the manager then proceeded to have the waitresses make and pass out shots to everyone.

As our waitress passed out shots to our table, I asked how much the bill would be and she said that this round would cost him a little of $4,000. And apparently this is not the first time this guy has done this. Ashleigh, the waitress, said that he came in a couple of weeks ago and spent $10,000 worth of drinks for the entire bar and then tipped another $10,000 on top of that.

When I asked what he does for a living, all Ashleigh knew was that he did something with oil. About 20 minutes later, the 2 pianist played "Proud To Be An American" for all of the people for served in the armed services. Right after the song, the drunk suddenly awesome drunk guy then announced that he was going to buy another round of shots for the bar. Again, people cheered.

Something different when these shots were being passed out. He apparently didn't like his date very much because after he announced the second round of shots to be passed out, he quickly left and left the bill for his date to pay. I have never seen a woman look so shocked before.

When the management team gave her the bill, she freaked out and started to call her date on the phone. I don't know if she ever got ahold of him but she quickly grabbed her purse and got the hell out of there.

10 minutes later, the drunk, suddenly awesome, date ditcher date came back, paid the bill and said "I am glad she got the hint and left, she was a prude anyway". The guy switched right back to dickhead mode quickly.

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