Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Going Away Party and Potential Fire Victims

After rushing home from the impromptu pub crawl, I to get ready for a surprise goodbye party at an Italian Restaurant called Moni's for a guy from my frat who is moving to Seattle for a job.

I thought the party started at 7:30 but I was wrong and it started at 7 instead. Even though I was late Meagan and Ogle saved a seat for me near the wine and bread. And I am pretty sure that they could tell I went to the brewery that day due to my lack of talking and just looking worn out.

The dinner party was pretty good. There were about 35 people in attendance, spirits were high, and there was a ton of food where ever you looked. The dinner did have alot of Bryce's (the person who the party is for) family and friends with babies at the party so people had to act accordingly. But once they left, shit got crazy and we had to move the festivities to a bar.

The group of 35 dissolved a little to a group of 20 and things got rowdy. First of all, shots were being had by few, liquor by some, and beer by many. It is now about 11pm and you know you are going to see something either completely awesome or just plain retarded when someone walks up to you and says "hey, you guys want to see a cool bar trick".

At first I was hesitant, but the trick did involve fire and I do have a slight case pyromania in my blood, so of course they had my attention. Anyone who has seen the movie Cocktail with Tom Cruise has seen this trick. The trick is putting a match up against the strike zone of the match book, lighting the match as you snap and flick the matchbook across the table or bar.

Apparently I am a natural at this trick because I completed it with great success on the first try. The second try was a completely different story though. I was sitting at a rectangular table with me at one end and the wall at the other. To my left next to the wall was Zach and in between us was Bethany. To my right up against the wall was Mayan and then her fiancee Jeff. I executed the trick perfectly with one small little mishap. Instead of throwing the match straight down the table, the matchbook, which was fully engulfed in flames at this point, veered to the right and landed in Mayan's lamp.

Since Mayan was already next to the wall, her first initial reaction to move away from the flame was quickly thwarted by wall. She freaked out a little bit which is understandable since part of her skirt was on fire,but only for a couple seconds, maybe 6 seconds at the most. I was surprised that she didn't get upset that we not only ruined her skirt but tried the trick again a couple of beers later and messed up her jacket. Whoops!!

At this point, you think we would have learned our lesson but we kept on trying to do the trick. Bethany accidentally set a couple of wires on fire when the matchbook went flying behind the jukebox, Ghassimi burned a small hole in someone's jacket, Barger landed his match in some guy's beer that was sitting near us, and the rest of the people just singed their fingers pretty bad. I think we got away with it for so long because even the bar tender and our waitress were flying matches that were on fire all over the place.

We closed the place down, and like the night before, it was time to get something to eat. Right across the street is one of my favorite late night eateries. Whataburger. And my only choice at this 5 Star AAA Recognized Restaurant is the Honey Chicken Biscuit. That is one of the best ways to end a night.

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