Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Time

Its the time of year where normal girls have the once a year opportunity to dress like complete whores and for whores to dress in their normal day stripper attire. Thats right ladies, gentleman, and cousin Dan, its Halloween time.

Just like last Halloween, Darby and Jenny were having their annual party at their house in Austin and a group of us had to make the 3 hour journey to get their from Arlington. One of the cool things about the D&J Inn is that they own the vacant lot next to their house that they use to throw large parties.

They usually divide the lot into a couple of sections where different things are going on. One corner of the lot is known as the movie corner. Darby bought a cool old school projector that he hooks up to his playstation and screen movies on a huge white sheet. This year, he showed "Scream Blackula Scream", "The Monster Squad". and "Young Frankenstein". The movies are played through out the night and the sound wasn't overpowering at all, which was good because they were playing some good music through out the night.

And speaking of music, to the right of the Cineplex de Darby, was the infamous Sharper Image Speaker Tower. This speaker tower has been a staple any type of get together. It has traveled to Halloween parties, weddings, wedding receptions, house warming parties, bachelor parties, baby showers, and probably a couple divorce hearings in the near future as well.

Anyway, Darby loves a good selection of music to be played at any party that he is hosting. He actually spent a long time thinking of what music to be played during the party and downloading all of the said music and rock out to its full potential. And Darby being Darby, he forgot his iPod at work and we were now musicless.

With the party now being at risk of being ruined in shambles, an unlikely hero rose from the musicless ashes and prevailed with his own iPod of music. That hero was the one and only Cody Powell, of Captain C-Po. The only thing is that Cody had a bunch of Michael Jackson and ballads on his iPod that made the mood seem a little weird sometimes.

Other than those minor glitches, the party was in full swing. There were a couple of fire pits that were at full blaze since the party was outside. There were quite a few people at the party in an array of different types of costumes on. And last but not least the alcohol.

Jenny made her famous everclear punch that will knock you off your ass in a heartbeat and a keg of Shiner Blond that was just begging to be floated by the end of the night. Within no time at all, almost all of the guests had arrived and it was time to hit the keg. Beverages were being had, stories being told, and awesome times were being enjoyed by everyone.

The next morning wasn't too rough, but the brunch was. I think an English Scramble breakfast accompanied by 3 Dos Equies probably was not the best idea. I slept almost the entire way back to home only to go to Fuzzy's Taco Shop, have a couple more drinks, and then retire and start to wait for next year's Halloween Bash.

And now, some pictures for my cousin Dan.

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