Monday, November 15, 2010

Jeff Bridges and T Bone Burnett

On Saturday, Down Town Fort Worth was holding its annual International LoneStar Film Festival in Sundance Square. This event is know for showcasing independent films and honoring an actor/actress for the contribution to film. This year, they decided to honor Jeff "The Dude" Bridges".

I didn't get to attended any of the film screenings or the Award Acceptance Event for The Dude, but I did get to attend something that I though I was much cooler. Earlier in the year, Bridges won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Crazy Heart. I never saw the movie, but from what everyone told me, he definitely deserved the Oscar for his performance as an aging country musician.

To showcase his musical ability, Jeff Bridges played a 40 minute concert with the main songwriter for the Crazy Heart movie T Bone Burnett. They guys sounded great together. Jeff Bridges played guitar and song a majority of the songs along with T Bone. The both of them got a chance to sing by themselves and it was pretty interesting to watch.

I was surprised that I got there 15 minutes the show was supposed to start and had no problem at getting to the front of the stage. I was within 5 feet of the musicians and could have probably given them a high five if I had a longer reach.

The concert was supposed to start at 9:30, but they did not come out on the stage until a little after 10. And within that 45 minute time frame, the 8.0 bar with from tons of standing room left to absolutely none at all.

Everyone in the crowd seem to enjoy the show and wish that it was longer. But right after the show ended, almost everyone at the 8.0 bar left and either went home or to a different bar. It was cool to see an actor do something else like play in a band and actually be good at it. And plus I doubt I will ever get a chance to see "The Dude" play country music again.

I am Wanted By The Law

I guess the cops are looking for me because they showed up at my house. Well, they were looking for a Kevin but not me. Apparently what happened was that someone with my name was involved in a hit a run car accident. I don't know how bad the crash was or the degree to which people were hurt but I told a couple of friends who were cops and they told me that there are only two reasons why cops would go to someone's house about a hit and run incident. Either someone was seriously injured or killed.

While the officers were at my house trying to figure out which Kevin I was, they caught and arrested the Kevin who was actually involved in the accident. He didn't live to far away from me and had a car similar to mine. But the officer said that from the time the accident occurred and when the caught they guy, only 30 minutes had passed. It sure was a crazy way to end a Monday and start the week.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tons of New Pictures Coming

Ok, so I recently bought a new scanner that is specifically designed to scan any type of photos and keep the glossy texture. So check out my photo site and you can see all types of pictures including my parents wedding and stuff from elementary. You can go to the website here.

Halloween Time

Its the time of year where normal girls have the once a year opportunity to dress like complete whores and for whores to dress in their normal day stripper attire. Thats right ladies, gentleman, and cousin Dan, its Halloween time.

Just like last Halloween, Darby and Jenny were having their annual party at their house in Austin and a group of us had to make the 3 hour journey to get their from Arlington. One of the cool things about the D&J Inn is that they own the vacant lot next to their house that they use to throw large parties.

They usually divide the lot into a couple of sections where different things are going on. One corner of the lot is known as the movie corner. Darby bought a cool old school projector that he hooks up to his playstation and screen movies on a huge white sheet. This year, he showed "Scream Blackula Scream", "The Monster Squad". and "Young Frankenstein". The movies are played through out the night and the sound wasn't overpowering at all, which was good because they were playing some good music through out the night.

And speaking of music, to the right of the Cineplex de Darby, was the infamous Sharper Image Speaker Tower. This speaker tower has been a staple any type of get together. It has traveled to Halloween parties, weddings, wedding receptions, house warming parties, bachelor parties, baby showers, and probably a couple divorce hearings in the near future as well.

Anyway, Darby loves a good selection of music to be played at any party that he is hosting. He actually spent a long time thinking of what music to be played during the party and downloading all of the said music and rock out to its full potential. And Darby being Darby, he forgot his iPod at work and we were now musicless.

With the party now being at risk of being ruined in shambles, an unlikely hero rose from the musicless ashes and prevailed with his own iPod of music. That hero was the one and only Cody Powell, of Captain C-Po. The only thing is that Cody had a bunch of Michael Jackson and ballads on his iPod that made the mood seem a little weird sometimes.

Other than those minor glitches, the party was in full swing. There were a couple of fire pits that were at full blaze since the party was outside. There were quite a few people at the party in an array of different types of costumes on. And last but not least the alcohol.

Jenny made her famous everclear punch that will knock you off your ass in a heartbeat and a keg of Shiner Blond that was just begging to be floated by the end of the night. Within no time at all, almost all of the guests had arrived and it was time to hit the keg. Beverages were being had, stories being told, and awesome times were being enjoyed by everyone.

The next morning wasn't too rough, but the brunch was. I think an English Scramble breakfast accompanied by 3 Dos Equies probably was not the best idea. I slept almost the entire way back to home only to go to Fuzzy's Taco Shop, have a couple more drinks, and then retire and start to wait for next year's Halloween Bash.

And now, some pictures for my cousin Dan.

William Shatner and Christopher Lloyd

A couple weeks ago, a convention came through town that I normally would not attend. The convention was called Fan Days and it was a Star Trek/Sci Fi Convention. The convention was host to a bunch of sci fi celebrities that I have never heard of but a couple of them did stand out to me enough that I wanted to attend. And those people were Christopher Lloyd and William Shatner.

Just to meet Shatner and Lloyd would be awesome and I knew that this chance would not come around again. I have never seen an episode of Star Trek or any of Shatner's early work, but I do know him from Miss Congeniality, Boston Legal, and Shit My Dad Says. He was obviously the main attraction of the convention and was there for only a day.

The other person I wanted to meet was Christopher Lloyd. Almost everyone knows him from the Back To The Future movies, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and the TV show Taxi. I grew up watching Back To The Future and it is one of my favorite movies of all time. The movie is so popular that there have been some parodies made (one of them may or may not be an adult movie).

Since there were so many people who wanted a chance to meet the one and only William Shatner, that the people in charge of the event had to let attendees go in groups at a time starting at noon. There were about 30 people in each group and it did not take long until another group was called. Whoever was in charge of this line really did have their shit together because there were no problems at all.

After waiting for only an hour for my group to be called, it was time to meet Bill Shatner. The line moved smoothly and swiftly, but unfortunately there were no hardcore die hard fans that just went crazy to meet him. Shatner did seem like your everdayman who has happy to meet everyone. I got to talk to him for a minute about nothing really and I got an autograph picture of him. He seemed pretty damn cool and relaxed and actually enjoyed meeting hundreds of his fans.

As I waited for my turn to meet Shatner, I met a couple of celebrities in order to pass the time. One of the celebrities that I got a chance to meet was Tia Carrere. She is know for playing Cassandra Wong in Wayne's World, Juno Skinner in True Lies, and now she is desperately trying to hold on to her career by playing some lady on some show on The Sci Fy Network. She was ok to meet but not too exciting to be honest.

The next person I got an autograph from, I had to do it in a shady way. The celebrity in question was Christopher Lloyd and the line to meet him was at least an hour long. So what does one do when they are in this kind of dilemma, act like a 1st grader and cut your way in that line of course.

Christopher Lloyd was in a room with several other people, one of which was the non enthusiastic Tia Carrere. Everyone got in line thinking that this was the line to get into the room and not just to meet one person. When this situation became apparent the staff, they went up and down the line to announce that if you would like to meet anyone else other than Christopher Lloyd, then you can jump the line and go right in. Cue Kevin acting like a 1st grader.

I went to the convention with my friend Jon and I told him about the classic line cutting that was about to occur. As we went into the celebrity room, Jon quickly got into the Christopher Lloyd meet and Greet Line.

The good thing about this was that the rest of the Doc Brown line had to form outside of the room. And since, we were now in the room and no one from the outside could see us cutting, we had it made. Instead of waiting at least an hour to meet the villain from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, we only had to wait about 10 minutes.

The other person I got the chance to meet was Tom Felton, the kid who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series. Two great things occurred during the day that involved this guy. The first event was having a crazy, hyperactive girl next to me while waiting in line to meet him. She was jumping up and down with her eyes full of tears due to the anticipation of meeting her favorite actor of all time. And by all time, I mean right now because it you that shit is going to change pretty damn quickly.

The other occurrence, even though I know this is going to sound weird, was the fact that this kid can take a mean deuce. Now let me tell you what happened before you make up your own conclusion that may end up with me under a crystal clear glass table and Draco squatting above it.

During my wait for the William Shatner meet and greet, I had to answer nature's call and go to the bathroom. As I was trying to avoid the crowd and not run into anyone, I noticed someone behind me telling me to walk a little faster and to hurry up. I didn't think anything of it because I just thought it was some kid who was about to have an accident if he didn't to the bathroom quick enough.

As I walked into the bathroom, the sinks and mirrors are immediately to the left and Tom "I am about to shit my pants" Felton dashed by me in order to make it to the stall in time.

When he passed by, you could hear a couple of other people who were already in the restroom say some jokes about how bad he had to go to the bathroom. And then it occurred. Every guy knows the sound of someone unleashing a horrible bomb in the bathroom, but its usually in a privacy of their own throne.

Almost instantaneously, everyone in the bathroom started to crack up and make even more jokes. One guy even got on the phone to tell his friends what was going on. I left the bathroom because even though it was pretty funny, it was getting kind of weird in there. Once I left, I saw a bunch of girls waiting outside for him so they could get a picture of him. If only they knew that kid smelled like a huge pile of crap, they probably wouldn't want that picture.