Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Clegg Brothers Bday Party Weekend

During the weekend of August 7th & 8th, Jon and Jarrod Clegg decided to have a birthday weekend party.

Jon decided to have his portion of the party on Friday night at Dave and Busters. A big group of people showed up to have dinner and drinks. I would say that about 15 people showed up for this portion of the party. We were there for a couple hours playing games, eating, and drinking. We then decided to go to Joe and Kelly's apartment.

Joe and Kelly have a pretty nice apartment. Of all of the people that went to Dave and Buster's, only about half of us went over to their apartment. It was becoming pretty late when we got there, but everyone was sure that something awesome was going to happen. And it did.

Jarrod and I were outside on the balcony when we started to hear some arguing occur in the parking lot across the street. Of course, Jarrod and I had to go and investigate what ever what was going on and we then witnessed one of the coolest things that I have ever seen in my life.

Apparently, it was a couple, probably in their mid twenties, get in a argument of something stupid. The guy wanted to leave the apartment complex, but the girl would not let him. She was trying to stop the guy from leaving by standing in front of his car, big mistake on her behalf. When the guy got into his car and started the engine, the girl made her second mistake by laying on top of the hood of the car.

The dude then just sped off with her holding for dear life on the hood of the car. Jarrod and I then did the most responsible thing to do in a situation like this. We ran into the party and told everyone to check out this once in a lifetime event. The crazed couple drove down the street while a small group of people from all over the apartment complex came out to watch. The speed demon boyfriend and psycho girlfriend came back to the apartment complex, she was riding in the car this time, and just went back into their apartment. The whole crazy couple debacle only lasted about 20 minutes, but it was probably the best 20 minutes of the party.

The next night was Jarrod's night for partying. His party was at the Halifax Estate, its where a couple of his friends live, and it was a theme party. The theme of the party was "gangs". Basically, all you had to do was to dress up like a member from your favorite gang. I got to the party late because a group of us went to No Frills Grill for some food and drinks. We actually ran into a bunch of people we have not seen since high school.

After a small reunion, we finally made it to the party. The party was pretty fun. There were some drinking games, tons of music playing, and a little bit of food. People were dressed up as people from "The Warriors", "A Clockwork Orange", even some "Ninja Turtles". The party lasted what to seem to be forever mainly because I was exhausted from all of the events that occurred the night before.

After that party, some of us needed some food and the only choice is Jack in the Box of course. We would have gone to IHOP, but non of us wanted to stay up any later than we had too. Overall good night, although the next morning I felt like hell due to the late night cuisine at Jack in the Box. The Clegg brothers also had a good time, even though they do not remember much of the weekend events.

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