Sunday, March 1, 2009


On Saturday morning, bright and early at 7:30 a.m., Austin, Cale, Paul, and I went golfing at Lake Arlington Golf Course. To be the best at golf, one should get pleanty of rest and abstain from any type of alcohol the night before. Not one of us did that.

The night before, I went to a baseball game and then meet up with Paul, Katie, and Chanel at Paul's house. The plan was originally just to have a couple of drinks, play some Wii, and then go to bed. Obviously, this did not happen. The four of us, mainly Paul and I, drank like crazy while trying to learn how to play Mario Kart on Wii. And instead of going to bed early like planned, we passed out around 4 am. So we only had a couple of hours to get ready for an awesome day of golf. Being there at 7:30 a.m. was probably was one of the toughest things that we did that morning.

Austin, Cale, Paul, and I know that we are no Tiger Woods, so we decided just to go and have fun and play a scramble instead of all of us going against each other. We decieded that the teams would be Austin and Cale versus Paul and I. Everything was going great until the incident occured.

After we had tee'ed off on the 10th hole and Paul and I were looking for our golf balls, a group of 4 4o year old d-bags starting to tee off themselves. Again, we were on the 10th hole and these guys were justing starting on the 1st hole. There is no way in hell that anyone could confuse the 10th hole green with the 1st hole green. It just couldn't happen at all.

Paul and I were completly visisble to everyone around use and only near our green. 2 of the 4 guys that were starting there day on the 1st hole were just stupid jackasses. As Paul and I were looking for where the golf balls landed, a rogue gold ball came right at use. It landed only a few feet away from us. Paul and I were looking for where the ball came from but thought one of the 4 guys just hit a bad shot. Then moments later, another rogue ball came right at us.

The rule in golf is that if a person hits a golf ball and goes near anyone at all, that person who hit the ball is required to yell "fore" or something to warn people that a ball is coming in their general direction. This never occured when those guys were taking there shots and this is when Paul loses it.

Now, Paul is a level headed guy, but if you piss him off, you are asking for some trouble. Right after the second ball was shot near us, Paul just got up and walked toward the 4 guys holding up two fingers (one finger for each of the 2 balls that were shot at us). Since I wasn't right next to Paul when he let out a barrage of explicitives mixed with some random adjectives and verbs, but his body language showed that he may have been pretty pissed off about what just occured.

After Paul gave the 2 shitty golfers a 3 minute verbal beating, we returned to play golf and finished the game about an hour and a half later. I know that we would have finished the game a little earlier but we did play around with the golf carts, where we learned that the carts can actually eject someone if you turn the cart around way too fast.

Austin and Cale beat Paul and I by only a few dozen strokes, but it was a good game anyway.

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