Friday, February 13, 2009

The Scent of Seduction!!

How could any woman resist this King? The other day, I received one the most precious gifts in the mail. It was the infamous designer scent from one of the most trustworthy scent designers. Yes, you are correct, I am talking about the King from Burger King.

I received the scent called "The Flame" and decided to test the fragrance while recording people's reaction for a podcast show that I am apart of called Rough Wednesday.

My first subject was my co-host Paul. Like me, he as very excited about the fragrance and had actually not heard any type of news on whether the aroma was good or bad. I know wish that we had.

The smell was probably one of the most musky smells I have ever smelled in my life. This is a type of product that you would use if you were about to hike in the Amazon for 14 days straight and wanted to make sure that no animal would dare try treat you like their bitch prey.

We did not spay that much to begin with. Just one full spray and then a half spray at the most. The smell just lingered in the room forever. It got so bad at one point that Paul and I had to leave our podcast studio just to breath some fresh air. We then decided to let Katie, Paul's wife, share the experience that Paul and I just had.

So, I sprayed Katie with the "Flame" lightly on her wrist and it started to burn her a little bit. I thought she just may have sensitive skin, but oh no my friends, this stuff will burn the hell out of you. She also said that after washing her wrist repeatedly, the smell would not go away. Paul and I thought that she was just messing around, but when I woke up this morning I could still smell the "Flame" on my clothes that I wore the night before.

So the moral of the story is, do not get too excited when you get a bottle of fragrance with the tag line "A Scent of Seduction With A Hint Of Flame-Broiled Meat".

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