Monday, February 2, 2009

Petes, Taken, and the Super Bowl

This was a pretty good weekend. On Friday, a group of us went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar in Fort Worth. It was a pretty good time, besides a couple of low points from a couple of retards, but that is besides the point. For people who do not know what Pete's is, it is basically a bar where people sing along with a couple people play two pianos on stage. It is a pretty cool time as long as you are part of a large group.

The next night was margarita night at this awesome Mexican restaurant called Casa de Rita's. The drinks were awesome and did the job. After that, the group of us then we to see the movie "Taken". This was an awesome movie.

It is about a dad, whose formerly worked as a "preventer" for the government, going to Paris to look for the people who kidnapped his daughter. The movie is about an hour and a half long, but it is very suspenseful.

The next was obviously dedicated to the Super Bowl. It was a pretty close game. The Steelers won but the Cardinals put up a pretty good fight and almost had the Steelers at one point. The commercials were great and so were the movie previews. Bruce Springsteen did the half time show and pretty much raped the camera at one point which got really weird and uncomfortable. He played a new song and then played some others that he is known for. Overall, pretty good weekend.

1 comment:

Mr. Helpful said...

KL-YNCH! KL-YNCH! When you do your first podcast tour, this is what I'll be screaming from the audience.