Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Damn, the show is getting weirder and weirder and yet better and better as season 5 goes on. I am also pretty sure that they are making Locke into a God for the island. I just want to know how Locke came back to life and why did Ben kill him in the first place.

Other than that, it is still one of the best shows out there today.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Oscars/ East Bound and Down

Danny McBride is the Man I watched the Oscars last night because apparently I had nothing to do for almost 4 hours. I was really happy that Heath Ledger won for best supporting actor because he really did do a great job at that performance. Another cool thing was that for each acting award that was given out, 5 past winners of the same category were there to say something nice about each of the nominees.

Apparetnly, Slumdog Millonarie is one badass movie that I have not seen yet. I hear it is either awesome as hell or bad as shit. I will just have Paul illegally download it for me then.

There is a new show on HBO called "Eastbound and Down". It stars Danny McBride and most of the cast from "The Foot Fist Way". This has to be one of the funniest/awesome new show that is out there right now. I highly recommend that you go see it quick.

New Job

I started my new job at UT Southwester Medical Center today. It was ok, kind of boring though because I had no clue what I was doing at all. One thing that bummed me out was the fact that the company told me that I had to be at their New Hire Orientation at 730 am. But there was no new hire meeting. They actually gave me the wrong date so I got to work super early for nothing.

I do have my own office, phone, fax, and email, which makes me feel pretty good right now. The only downside to it is that I have to wear a shirt and tie everyday to work. This is definitely something that I am not use or accustomed to at all. But it is something that I have to do because I have a real job now.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yep, that is right. I am now a Godfather. My friends Jason and Ines have asked me to be godfather to their unborn, unnamed son. It is a cool honor to have that status, even though I can't deny any ridiculous request on the day of my daughter's wedding.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Keg Opening

A few weeks ago, I got some free passes to a soft opening to a new restaurant that was opening in the Arlington Highlands area. The restaurant was the Keg Steakhouse and it is of course known for their meats.

On Friday the 13th, a group of us went for a night of free food, cheap drinks, and some debauchery. Ogle, Meagan, Paul, Katie, Kelly and I went their with high expectations for an awesome night, and that is exactly what we got.

There was a price for the meal, but it was only $5 a person and it went to the Boys and Girls Club, so I am pretty sure no one was going to complain about a $30 meal per person cost only $5 and that money going to a local charity.

They had some of the best drinks for a really good price. I got a double rum and coke (or what they call, "The Keg Sized Drink") and it did the trick. I am sure, along with the wonderful staff at the Keg, that I loved the Keg Sized Drinks and may have become a little over zealous with showing my gratitude.

Again, since it was a soft opening and you needed an invitation to get that night, there was a set menu for the dinner. Every couple got an appetizer to share, their own entree, and a dessert to split as well. Since there was 6 of us in our group, everyone got a different meal and shared it just so we could all taste the full menu.

We were at the Keg for about a good 2 hours and the place was packed. The service was great and it was some of the best food that I have ever had. After that, we went to Paul and Katie's house to drink and hang out some more. Overall, good night!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday The 13th

On Monday, I went and checked out the new and "improved" version of the Friday the 13th. I am not going to lie to you. This movie scared the hell out of me.

One thing that I found amusing in the movie was the fact that Jason had a bunch of undeground tunnels under the camp so he could move swiftly from one location to the other. I never knew that he was raised by the Viet Cong and they taught their tunnel digging ways to him during his version of summer camp.

I also liked how the movie kind of set him up to be just a real pissed off guy with some serious mommy issues, but then totally ripped off the orginial ending just so that they could make a franchise out of it. The movie is a pretty good time to waste a couple of hours and all the people that you know will die do in fact die in some pretty cool ways. The best part of the movie was the 20 minute opening sequence. That portion just showed how crazy and protective Jason is of his "land"

The Scent of Seduction!!

How could any woman resist this King? The other day, I received one the most precious gifts in the mail. It was the infamous designer scent from one of the most trustworthy scent designers. Yes, you are correct, I am talking about the King from Burger King.

I received the scent called "The Flame" and decided to test the fragrance while recording people's reaction for a podcast show that I am apart of called Rough Wednesday.

My first subject was my co-host Paul. Like me, he as very excited about the fragrance and had actually not heard any type of news on whether the aroma was good or bad. I know wish that we had.

The smell was probably one of the most musky smells I have ever smelled in my life. This is a type of product that you would use if you were about to hike in the Amazon for 14 days straight and wanted to make sure that no animal would dare try treat you like their bitch prey.

We did not spay that much to begin with. Just one full spray and then a half spray at the most. The smell just lingered in the room forever. It got so bad at one point that Paul and I had to leave our podcast studio just to breath some fresh air. We then decided to let Katie, Paul's wife, share the experience that Paul and I just had.

So, I sprayed Katie with the "Flame" lightly on her wrist and it started to burn her a little bit. I thought she just may have sensitive skin, but oh no my friends, this stuff will burn the hell out of you. She also said that after washing her wrist repeatedly, the smell would not go away. Paul and I thought that she was just messing around, but when I woke up this morning I could still smell the "Flame" on my clothes that I wore the night before.

So the moral of the story is, do not get too excited when you get a bottle of fragrance with the tag line "A Scent of Seduction With A Hint Of Flame-Broiled Meat".

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Blink 182!!!

Blink 182 is back together When I was growing up, blink 182 was one of my favorite bands. I was a pretty hardcore blink fan. I remember seeing them tons of times in concert and making all of my friends listen to their CD constantly.

After they broke up, they formed their own bands. Tom formed Angels and Airwaves while Travis and Mark formed +44.

Today at the 51st Grammy awards, they announced that they are getting back together to make a new CD and will do a new world tour. I got really excited about this news and can't wait to see them this summer.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Petes, Taken, and the Super Bowl

This was a pretty good weekend. On Friday, a group of us went to Pete's Dueling Piano Bar in Fort Worth. It was a pretty good time, besides a couple of low points from a couple of retards, but that is besides the point. For people who do not know what Pete's is, it is basically a bar where people sing along with a couple people play two pianos on stage. It is a pretty cool time as long as you are part of a large group.

The next night was margarita night at this awesome Mexican restaurant called Casa de Rita's. The drinks were awesome and did the job. After that, the group of us then we to see the movie "Taken". This was an awesome movie.

It is about a dad, whose formerly worked as a "preventer" for the government, going to Paris to look for the people who kidnapped his daughter. The movie is about an hour and a half long, but it is very suspenseful.

The next was obviously dedicated to the Super Bowl. It was a pretty close game. The Steelers won but the Cardinals put up a pretty good fight and almost had the Steelers at one point. The commercials were great and so were the movie previews. Bruce Springsteen did the half time show and pretty much raped the camera at one point which got really weird and uncomfortable. He played a new song and then played some others that he is known for. Overall, pretty good weekend.

Rough Wednesday Updated

This woman would have received some money from the school girl if show only listened to the Rough Wednesday Podcast The official website for the Weekly Rough Wednesday Podcast has been updated.

We have two episodes up and are ready to be listened to. We have also added some pictures, a blog, and have put up email addresses for myself and Paul.

You can check the website out here.