Friday, October 31, 2008

Butch Girls Doing Curls and the Mavs

Damm, that is a huge bitch!! I was attempting to workout the other day at the gym when I saw a bunch of guys trying to motivate each other so they could "pump more iron". The group then moved near the treadmills where I was at, and that was when I discovered the harsh and scary truth. This was not a group made up out of men. No my friends, this was the largest and group of ridiculously strong butch women that I have ever seen. I honestly this type of group was a myth or a scary story you tell your kids just to scare the hell out them.

My eyes cross paths with one the "ladies" from the group and she asked how I was doing. Nervously, i said that I was doing fine and that I was watching what they were doing because I just joined the gym and I wanted to work out correctly. They welcomed me to join their group with open hairy, man-woman hands. They said I have a lot of potential to have a good workout plan and build more muscle if I stick to it, then one lady went off on some tangent and word for word said the following: "sweetie, you should only workout for yourself and make yourself feel better no matter how many times a deadbeat overweight slob might constantly put you down and then decide that maybe you should get muscled up and just settle the differences in the wal-mart parking lot after work one day". This is where I said it was nice to meet them and quickly left because that crazy butch woman scared the hell out me.

On a different subject, I went to the Dallas Mavericks game on Thursday where they played the Houston Rockets. The game sucked, we lost, and I didn't even get a free taco coupon. Horrible night.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Parties Galore

This is what a girl I knew looked liked when she took off her make-up This past weekend held some pretty good events, which included two Halloween parties. One was a frat Halloween party and Paul and I quickly became to Champions of Beer Pong (but the championship only lasted for two games, because two duschbags dethroned our asses). Although there seemed to be either 50 or 60 people at the party, 3 kegs and all of the trash can punch were floated in what seemed like only an hour.

I didn't dress up for this party because prior that evening, I went to the Standford Series 10 Tennis Match at SMU. I do not know much about tennis nor do I regular watch the sport, but that was one hell of a match. I meet some of the pros and got a picture taken with them as well. I even caught a tennis ball after the MC on the court wanted to see if he could hit a ball in the cheap bleacher seats where I was at. I got the ball and within 10 minutes I dropped it and lost it for good.

The second Halloween party was on Saturday night. This was a complete opposite kind of Halloween party compared to the night before, but it was equally as good. It was at a house in Fort Worth, whose backyard was part of a golf course. There was plenty of food and alcohol that pretty much last the entire night. The hosts gave out prizes for best costume and spookiest food dish. J Mill and his wife Ginny won best costume for the stick figure costume and the "Crazy Cat Lady" won spookiest food award for bringing a used kitty litter box(which was really chocolate and chex mix, at least I hope it was).

It is now Sunday and I have to get ready to recoup from all of the booze intake that occurred over the weekend and get ready for Cody and Laura's wedding that will happen on November 1st.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lazy Sunday Podcast

Just to let everyone know, the first episode of the weekly podcast called Lazy Sunday is up and you can hear it now. The podcast features me and my co-host Paul as we talk about stupid stuff that we think are pretty damn funny.

Taste of Arlington

Taste of Arlington = awesome drunk nightThis year was awesome for Taste of Arlington. For people who do not know what this event is, then you should be punched square in the jaw for what you are missing.

Basically, it is an event that gets all of the restaurants in the Arlington area and they give out free food, drinks, and coupons for more free food and drinks. Over 50 businesses were there this year to make sure everyone had too much to drink and eat.

Just like last year, Natalie and I went as an engaged couple who are looking for people to cater our "wedding". As we talked to a lady in line, she asked us when the wedding was. We told her we didn't know for sure just yet but it would most likely be in June. Now this is where stuff got weird. The lady we were talking to was obviously drunk out of her mind and she really wanted to get Natalie and I a gift for our wedding. We told her she didn't have to, but she followed us to our car as we were trying to evade this crazy lady. The crazy lady saw some lawn furniture that the hotel next was throwing out. So being in true crazy lady nature, she jumped in the worst dumpster in the world and got the furniture for us. This is when Natalie and I left and crazy drunk dumpster diving lady decided to take the furniture home for her own personal prize.

Also, Meagan, Ogle's wife, and Natalie convinced me to eat a whole jalapeno so I could win a free shirt. This was the worst idea ever for me. My mouth was on fire and Meagan told me to drink water, to which I then found out that water will make the burning sensation even worse. All Meagan did was laugh while Natalie tried to get me something with a lot of booze in it.

Overall, it was a damn good Taste of Arlington this year and I know not to trust Meagan ever again.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wedding Season: Part 2

It is part 2 of the wedding season and it has been a good one. My friend Cody is going to marry his long-time girlfriend Laura and this will be the last wedding that I have planned for the 2008 year. This year alone I have attended 7 weddings and 5 bachelor parties. In October, I have had either a wedding, bachelor party, or wedding shower to go to. They all end up the same which means tons of free booze and some sort of 80's music in the background, which makes me beyond happy.

Cody and Laura are going to get married in Fredicksburg, Texas. That is just about an hour outside of Austin. It will be pretty cool because I have never been to a wedding at a Wine Vineyard before. Judging from Cody's style and sense of humor, the whole ceremony will be awesome.

I have already been invited to one wedding in 2009. My cousin Stephanie will take the plunge and marry Paul, or who I refer as "Paul Wall". Stephanie has kick ass taste in Wedding locations because her wedding will take place in Cancun. Hopefully it will be planned around spring break so I can go the ceremony , go the reception, take a 5 minute break to help judge a wet t-shirt contest that does not include t-shirts, and then go back to the reception. I know this wont happen, but I can still dream damn it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Famous People Telling You Not To Vote The presidential election is less than a month away and if you have not registered to vote, you should do so here. I have seen a lot of systems that attempt to track see how people are going to vote in the upcoming election. So far my favorite tracking system is this one.(Be careful, this system may not be safe for work, plus it is only a joke).

I hate it when people try to force their political views upon me, so I will not do that to you. The only thing I want people to know is how important it is just to be able to vote in any election, especially a Presidential election. So go register and go vote.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Wedding Season

Paul and Katies First dance with each other. It also looks like Paul is afraid to touch her Well, it has been wedding season for some quite time now and it has been great. Last week, my friend Paul finally married his longtime girlfriend of 10 years. All it took was a bunch of guys taking him golfing, dinner, and the finest entertainment that a 1 dollar bill can get you.
The event took place in Plano, Texas and was one of the best weddings I have been to. The ceremony was done in 20 minutes and the reception last for about 4 hours, then the after party occurred at a local hotel. This is where stuff beings to become fuzzy to me. I do remember 3 am trip to McDonald's that obviously became a bad decision. A highlight of the evening was hearing one of Paul's relatives talking about how he lost a testicle in a knivefight to a chimpanzee. Overall, the whole evening was a success and in a few weeks, I get to repeat the festivities with Cody and Laura's Wedding in November.

Seeing if this works

yes it does