Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Its near the end of the year and the Holidays are starting. The first major Holiday celebration is Thanksgiving and I can not be more excited for the 4 day weekend to come.

I did the usual meet up with friends (some that live here and some that come home for the holiday) at a local bar and just hang out and whatnot. This year, we decided to meet up at J.R. Bentley's, a small bar near my old college. Good times were being had by all, but I couldn't stay out too late because I had to help with some family stuff the next morning. Everyone left around 1:30 am and headed home.

Its now Thursday and it is officially Thanksgiving. And that means only one thing, I am going to be lazy as all hell. The only thing that I know that I have to do today is go to dinner with the family at 2:30 at The Keg Steakhouse. This is the second year that we have gone out to eat because none of us want to cook or clean anymore.

The Keg does have a pretty cool Thanksgiving Special that usually attracts a ton or people to their establishment. The will serve you a three course meal that someone would normally eat if they cooked a Thanksgiving meal themselves. By the end of the meal, all three of us were completely full from food and a couple of cocktails and it was time to go home with all of our leftovers. By the time we got home, it was time to finish up the Cowboys game and get a quick nap in.

A couple of hours later we warmed up a ham and some small side dishes and had a quick dinner and that was it for Thanksgiving. It was now time to relax. The next day I did absolutely nothing with the exception of going to see "Unstoppable" at the Movie Tavern and that was it. It was now time for Saturday.

Usually my friends and I have a huge kick ball tournament on Saturday that ends with an all night cookout and dominoes, but times they are a changing. Since the majority of my friends are now having kids, we had to change things up a bit.

Instead of the kickball game, I did a quick one - two and decided to go to a brewery with some other friends. Nothing beats celebrating Thanksgiving like going to a local brewery and getting free beer for a couple of hours.Where do you and a group of 12 people in their twenties go after consuming free alcohol for 2 hours? A greasy hamburger joint of course!

We decided to all pack into our cars and head to a place known as Fred's. Fred's is a well know burger spot in Fort Worth that serves awesome food and some pretty good music too. After that was said and done, it was bon fire time.

My friend Darrell and his wife invited people over for a Friend's Thanksgiving Dinner and a bon fire. there were about 15 people there and everyone brought some sort of dish or drinks for the party. Everyone had a good time and this event by watching 80s movies and trying to stay warm next to the outdoor fire pit that Darrell set up.

It was a pretty good thanksgiving and now I just have to get prepared for Christmas and New Years.

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