Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Indians Demand Land (For a Convention)

On March 26th, I ventured into a territory that not many people have been to before. It was the Native American Fest.

One of my friend's mom was working one of booths and need some help and I volunteered to. I can not describe to you how out of place I felt at this event.

I was cool to see the elders dressed up in their native/traditional clothing while their kids wore the same thing but they modernized it by adding baseball team logos to it.

Here is basically a rundown of what happened that day:
  • I meet Gil Birmingham (apparently he plays the dad to kid who plays the wolf in the Twilight Movies)
  • Pocahontas is crazy nuts (in a bad way)
  • Never polite to make a scalping joke
  • Live/real eagles are at theses conventions and the are scared too easily
  • Don't be afraid of the live/real eagles
  • Don't feed them after midnight
  • Don't get them wet
  • Never let them near sunlight

I may have gotten some of the rules mixed up with the "Gremlins" rules, but at least you get the gist of it

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