Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dollar Day at the LoneStar Race Track

Even though it happens a couple times a year, Dollar Day at the Lone Star Race Track during the month of April is always the best. What is Dollar Day you ask? Well let me crack an egg full knowledge for you.

A couple of time a year, our local horse race track will have an event where almost everything costs only a dollar which includes admission, parking (if not free), sodas, popcorn, hot dogs, and beer.

April is obviously the best time to go because the weather is not hot as hell and the mix of stale beer and old hot dogs wont mess you up as quickly.

Now, I am not much of a gambler, but I did bet on one race. I chose my horse in a very specific way. I just pick the most unusual named for the horse and the jockey. This year, I went with a Mexican jockey and horse combo. They came in dead last and i lost 2 bucks.

I was really pissed about losing and this is what I did to the owner of the horse later that night. People should learn that I do not like to lose, even if it is only 2 dollars.

We stayed until the last race and I was done for the day. I only spent 20 bucks on beer and hot dogs and I was happy to leave.

I really don't know how the next part happened, but we ended up at a belly dancing showcase and ate dinner at a Lebanese Restaurant. When I asked what time it was, I could have sworn it was near 2 a.m. But it was only 9 p.m. I must become tired quickly in my old age because all I wanted to do was go to bed and sulk about my 2 dollar loss.

Thursday Night Thunder Throwdown

For the past couple of weeks now, I have been going to TGI Fridays on Thursday Nights and play some good Ole' fashion Russian Roulette. Nothing beats the feeling of betting if someone will shoot themselves over money while eating some fried cheese sticks and having a beer. If you don't believe me, then check out some of my handy work here.

If you actually thought I played some good Ole' fashion Russian Roulette, then you are a ratard. And if you don't get that reference, then check this out.

Ok, in all actuality, I do go to Friday's on Thursdays to play trivia with some other friends. They have a ridiculously great marketing scheme for trivia nights. Anyone can play trivia and it is free as well. If you or your team comes in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, then you will when $50, $20, or $10.

What else that makes this unlike your normal trivia is that we don't use those stupid boxes that you would always play with at a bar because those boxes suck. Every time I go to a bar to play trivia, I always get a box that is about to die or just wont work.

Here is a basic rundown of the rules:
  1. Each game consists of six rounds, with one half time question and one final question.
  2. Each round consists of three questions. The categories for the three questions are announced at the beginning of each round.
  3. Teams are allotted three point values to use each round. Once you have assigned that value to an answer, you cannot use it again for that round. The point values for rounds one through three are 2, 4, and 6 (maximum score of 12 points per round). The values for rounds four through six are 5, 7 and 9 (maximum score of 21 points per round).
  4. Your team may have as many players as you want.
  5. You are allowed the length of one song to turn in your written answer and point value. An additional song may be allowed for half-time and final questions.
  6. Once you have turned in your answer, you may not re-submit another answer.
  7. Teams do not lose points for wrong answers, with the exception of the final question.
  8. A team may wager up to 20 points on the final question. If your answer is correct, your team is awarded the amount of points wagered. If your answer is incorrect, those points are deducted from your score.
  9. Some rounds include bonus questions or opportunities for additional points.
So far, I have been playing with a team called "Can I Get A Whoop Whoop". One of my friends named it after Texas A&M and his ability to never be able to get accepted to that school.

Now, I don't mean to beep my own horn, but "Beep Beep", we have been dominating the hell out of this league. Since Paul, JMill and I have joined the team, we have been winning first in every tournament so far.

The trivia league will end in a couple of weeks and we are going to try and win 1st place in the finals. But that wont happen until some time in June. Until then, we are going to take all of our winnings and just blow it on drinks and food one night at some Random Fridays Restaurant.

Another update (along with photos) of this post will come soon which will detail the events that will occur during the semi-finals.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Texas Stadium Implosion

On Sunday, April 11, 2010, the former home of the Dallas Cowboys was imploded at 7 am and it was one of the most spectacular things that I have seen.

A group of us meet at Paul and Katie's house at midnight so we could pack the cooler, blankets, and lawn chairs for this once in a lifetime event.

Before we left to go to the stadium, we had read that there were rule against alcohol being there. I am pretty sure that the Stadium Officials just put that out as a liability because once we got there, all types of alcohol were present. Some people even brought there beer pong table so that they could pass the time and get plastered at the same time.

Of course, my friends and I are all law abiding citizens, so we hid as much beer as we could into our cars. We probably put way too much thought into this process because by the time we got there, non of the officials cared if there was drinking or not.

Since we got there at 2 am and the implosion wasn't scheduled until 7 am, we had a ton of time to kill on our hands so we just walked around aimlessly for awhile to see what other people had going on at their cars.

We saw a lot of people who had big screen TVs showing movies, Wiis, and other people grilling tons of food. I wished that they had some sort of concession stand out there because when 4 am came, I was hungry like the wolf.

A couple of hours later, it was go time. Everyone got on top of their cars to watch the fireworks show and the implosion. The fireworks show lasted about 4 minutes and a couple of people made speeched about the stadium and what it meant to them.

Then at 7:04, it was showtime. The announcer started a 20 second countdown but everyone started to participate at the 10 second mark. Within a second of everyone saying zero, everyone could hear the dynamite starting to explode and the stadium quickly becoming ruble. The whole thing lasted less than a minute and it was worth the 5 hour wait.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Indians Demand Land (For a Convention)

On March 26th, I ventured into a territory that not many people have been to before. It was the Native American Fest.

One of my friend's mom was working one of booths and need some help and I volunteered to. I can not describe to you how out of place I felt at this event.

I was cool to see the elders dressed up in their native/traditional clothing while their kids wore the same thing but they modernized it by adding baseball team logos to it.

Here is basically a rundown of what happened that day:
  • I meet Gil Birmingham (apparently he plays the dad to kid who plays the wolf in the Twilight Movies)
  • Pocahontas is crazy nuts (in a bad way)
  • Never polite to make a scalping joke
  • Live/real eagles are at theses conventions and the are scared too easily
  • Don't be afraid of the live/real eagles
  • Don't feed them after midnight
  • Don't get them wet
  • Never let them near sunlight

I may have gotten some of the rules mixed up with the "Gremlins" rules, but at least you get the gist of it

Conan on Tour and Out Of Control

I got my ticket to his self described "Half-Assed" comedy Tour and I have never been so excited to go to a comedy show before. It is going to be a night of music, comedy, hugging, and the occasional awkward silence.

Monday, April 5, 2010

St Paddy's Day: Gilligan's Irish Block Party

I have been at my new job for over a year now which means I have not had a Spring Break in 2 years. This is really inconvenient since St. Paddy's Day always fell during my former Spring Break.

Like last year, I had to work a full days worth of work and then trek it down to a local bar named J. Gilligan's. Gilligan's is known for its annual St. Paddy's Day Block Party and Irish nachos.

Gilligan's usually goes all out for this huge party. There are several stages for bands (one inside and the main stage outside), tons of beer, food galore, Celtic dancers, and more than enough of port-o-pottys.

I met up with Stephanie, Gayle and others around 6:30 and the place was already packed. The block party started at noon, but the bands didn't start until 5.

Since I had to get up for work early the next morning, I decided only to stay for a couple of hours. Apparently I am far too sensitive to peer pressure because I stayed later than I had planned to.

I think the main reason for staying out too late was obviously having too much fun with all of my friends. By the end of the night, a group of at least 20 friends and I were just having too much fun drinking and just hanging out. Green beer was being passed around like water, horrible greasy food was being consumed at an unhealthy rate, and people who had no dancing abilities at all were strutting their stuff like they were trying out for Soul Train.

After what seemed like only a couple of hours and only a few beers later turned into 6 hours later and more than enough alcoholic beverages to last me for the rest of the week, it was time to finally end the night. This was also one of the cheapest St. Paddy's Day I have ever been too. The whole night only ended up costing me $30, which is really good compared to last year which was known as "The Year of Too Much Jager".