Sunday, February 14, 2010


They say that if you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait a day or two and it will change. Well, it sure did change drastically last Thursday.

It snowed like crazy in Texas. It snowed so much, that it was the most snow the Texas has ever received in recorded history. And to make it worse, people are driving like complete idiots.

I left work early so I could try and beat all of the traffic and the bad weather. I should have left earlier. I went over to my friend's house who only lives 10 minutes away from the train station that I use to go to work everyday.

Within 30 minutes of hanging out at Paul and Katie's house, I was snowed in. My car was stuck in ice and trees were beginning to fall down due to all of the weight of the snow.

Since I was at the mercy of Paul and Katie, I helped them get some of the snow out of the driveway so Katie could have a decent chance of getting her car out of the street. After that, Paul and I got our jackets, filled the pockets up with beer, and went to check out the neighborhood for other damages.

We saw a bunch of limbs and sometimes even the whole tree laying on the ground after it snapped in half. The roads and some cars were covered in ice and some transistors were blowing up as well.

I fell asleep around midnight or so and woke up to even more damage in P and K's neighborhood. Paul and several large branches that snapped and causing minor damage. The worst of it was a largest branch falling in the middle of street.

I finally was able to leave P and K's around noon and was able to go home. When I turned on my street, it seemed like the aftermath of an intense war between man and weather. Which, basically, it was.

Tons of trees were down, ice was covering the streets and making it very difficult to drive safely. And the weather didn't end there. Even though it stopped snowing, it was still very cold outside and my house was completely out of beer.

The day did end up alright because I didn't have to go to work that day and also I haven't seen snow that lasted more than a couple of hours in Texas since '89.

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