Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lost: The Final Season

It has been awhile since I have updated this blog, so I figured I would start writing about the best show on TV right now. If you can read above, that show is obviously "Lost".

I have been a fan of this show from the start and I am actually pumped that this is the last season because a ton of questions are going to be answered and mostly because I want to know just how the creators are planning on ending the show.

The first episode of the final sequence went rather well. The show had 2 plots to it. One is what happened after the hydrogen bomb failed to work and the other plot was what if that bomb did work and the crash never happened in the first place. It was strange to see how one event that took place in the 70s affected everybody in the presented future.

Just from the first couple of episodes that aired, I am more than sure that this will be a bad ass and final season.

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