Sunday, June 7, 2009

Conan O'Brien takes over Tonight Show

Conan is watching you read this entire blog On June 1, 2009, Conan O'Brien took over the Tonight Show. I have been anticipating this move for some time now because I think that Conan is one of the funniest people on TV right now.

After a couple of months of being absent from TV, he came back with some pretty good skits and interviews as well. The only negative that I would have to say is that Andy Richter talks a little too much for me. I thought the show worked better when Conan, or Coco, would do skits with Max Weinberg and the Band.

The new set that they have built is pretty cool looking. Conan also talked about some of the stuff that he was not allowed to bring to the tonight show because he is now on an earlier time. One of those things is the infamous "Masturbating Bear" . That is right, the bear was not allowed to come, no pun intended, to the tonight show because NBC felt it would be in poor taste since children might be watching the show instead of studying or sleeping like they should be.

So far, the show is awesome, and the guest and skits are really great as well, hope Conan can keep this up so they will let him take over his old show again because I can not stand Jimmy Fallon.

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