Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Tool Academy

VH1 has a new show called the "Tool Academy" on Sunday nights. This has to be one of the funniest shows I have seen. The show is about a bunch of douche bags and how bad ass they think they are. One of the tools likes to pick up women with his awesome bowling skills, so that just tells what kind of guy he is. The first episode was classic. The producers and host of the show tell all of the "contestants" that they are on a show called "Mr. Awesome". They think the premise of the show is to see who is the biggest alpha-male out there. Their first mission: impress some ladies and the walk on the catwalk of course. The guys also talk alot of shit about their girlfriends and how the cheat on them all the time and how the have them trained to do whatever they please.
Now here is the funny as hell part. What the guys do not know is that their girlfriends are at the same place watching everything that they are doing. The girlfriends then come out from hiding and more comedy occurs. This is one of those shows that everyone says that they are going to hate but they watch it anyway.

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