Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Example of people who do not know who to drive in bad weather conditions So, last night I was going to go to bed and get ready for the next boring day at work. Then magic occurred. The Gods looked down on me and said "No Work For You"! Around 8 last night, it started to sleet and it progressively went from a slight noise to all out disturbance. The temperature also changed drastically as well by starting at 34 degrees and dropping to 18 degrees. And at 11 pm, I got a call to say that work was closed for the next day. So I did what anyone else would do in my situation, I drank like crazy and watched horrible movies. Normally I would go out and celebrate my surprise day off, but there is no way in hell that I was going out in those type of weather conditions.

I enjoyed my day off by watching stupid people drive way too fast and crashing on the news. nursing my unexpected hangover and working on the "Rough Wednesday" website. Now I have to prepare myself for work tomorrow and act like I enjoy it.

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