Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy new year everyone. New Years Eve was a pretty good night. A group of us went to my friend Ogle and Meagan's house for new year's eve because their neighborhood was throwing a block party to celebrate the occasion. I haven't been to a block party in awhile and this was a pretty good time. The neighborhood closed down the streets and everyone (about 50 to 60 people) started to set up grills, fireplaces, and drinking areas all over the place. One of the neighbors, Zack, made tons of jello shots for everyone and they were fantastic. Once midnight came, everyone was outside and got a bottle of champagne and started to toast with everyone. After that, we shot of fireworks and took shots of some horrible liquor that I immediately regretted. I finally passed out around 4 a.m. and woke up around 10a.m. We were supposed to go to some brunch but non of us were up to. Instead, we just ordered a pizza and finished the rest of the bottles of champagne. So over all, it was a really good night and start to good year.

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